KALISIA new sample online

Sounds really great! Especially the Drums!:headbang:
The guitars could be a bit more in your face sounding and prominent in the mix and not has hidden for my taste though....
Hey Brett, I've tried checking out some of your music before, but everytime I download one of the MP3's it wont play on my PC. I have no idea why this happens. I have no trouble with other MP3's. I keep on getting a message from windows media player, that it doesn't recognise the file extension? I would have listened to your music by now otherwise :cry:

Yep, it wont stream from the Flash Player, but that's due to the download accelerator I have installed. So I download the MP3 track instead. Hmm, it seems a little odd that it doesn't work. I'm off to get Itunes, and see if that solves my problem. Then hopefully I'll be able to play your music :headbang: Thanks for listening to my tracks too :)

chadsxe said:
Damn good. Solid production. Keep up the good work.

We're not talking about a shitty producer!
among all the pro this young guy can teach a lot of them!
If any pro is pissed off about my comment they can really shut their mouth up and throw it up their own asses!
Brett is really good when it's time for producing/recording!

GuitarMaestro said:
Sounds really great! Especially the Drums!:headbang:
The guitars could be a bit more in your face sounding and prominent in the mix and not has hidden for my taste though....
Sorry didn't see this post :cry:
Thanks for the comments ! :)
I agree, the guitars could have bit a bit more in your face but that would have been at the expense of the bass and keyboards parts, so I really had to struggle to try to make everything fits in place. So many sacrifices :ill:
I must admit that the keyboards are pretty prominent on this part of the album because it's the end of it and it gives a good conclusion feel, with epic pretentious dramatic orchestral parts if you prefer ;) Also I usually noticed that guitars were the first things to become louder when the mastering is done (in case I want a louder signal - not sure I do actually, don't want to squash things more than they already are (Average RMS on this song is around -10.5db, thinks it's honorable considering the style of music). What do you guys think ?
Overall this is great work and I love the music! Excellent vocals, drums, and guitar performances!

I think you need more overheads, more guitars, and the guitars don't sound as big to me as they could (maybe an EQ issue.)



How? how did you obtain this sound? it would be cool if you could explain a bit about methods used and what you and the band used to get this sound.. if you want to, that is..

Very solid Brett.. im amazed, sitting here and listening to the song, it sounds really, really good... :kickass:
@Bob :
Uh ??? Are you all making fun out of me ? I thought it sounded correct, good at the best, especially considering the mess mixing this over-arranged thing, but was far from thinking it was that good... I'm starting to think this is a joke, lol ;)
Anyway, if you have questions more precise than "How" that would help me, lol !!!

@Shane :
Thanks for the critics !!! About the overheads, unfortunately the guy from the studio we recorded the drums in (back in... 2003, argh) mixed them to only 2 tracks (4 mics were used), including hi-hats and ride (I have an additional ride microphone with terrible isolation, not very useful...), so I have very little control over it (and not to speak about comb filtering), I should maybe try to get better dynamics on the cymbal hits while keeping the hi-hats in control (guess multi-band comp will be my best friend here...).
Yeah, I first mixed the guitars with a pretty huge sound (keep in mind this is 1 track per side by the way), and with guitar/bass/drums it really sounded badass... Then I had to make room for the keyboards (garg, believe me, it hurts, but well, it's all in the good interest of the music...), and then for the vocals (gargx2...) so I really had to compromise :( Worst mixing experience EVER (especially on my crappy PC, lost hours waiting for mixdowns... the song is 1h10m long), but if I manage to get something out of this music, I'm pretty confident I can mix just about anything !!! lol

Other people think the overheads aren't loud enough ?