Knowledge Of Compositional Theory

Oh....and I have a question for Guardian Of Darkness. Do you like Absu's 'Tara?' Because to me, it seems to suffer from some of the same issues with composition that you say Cryptopsy's music does.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I'd be interested for you to elaborate on not liking None So Vile. I can see parts of what you mean about the construction; there are a few sections of chromatic riffs that might seem like they're just there to be there, but that's a very small part of the album.

It all seems rather rushed, like they're trying to fit 10 eggs into a half-dozen carton - this is down to excessive variation. Even when the harmonic progressions are smooth, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere because none of the ideas are given time to breathe. This results in the album being unfocused to the point of haphazard messiness.

I also hate the drum sound particularly in the blasting sections, the drumming itself is too varied and stuttery for my tastes, the vocal delivery is reminiscent of lesser blast-burp bands (though the timbre is decent enough), etc. These points are less important, though.

I haven't heard "Tara".
Ok. I can see why you wouldn't like it. Don't listen to 'Tara,' then. It's like what you don't like about None So Vile times ten, but black metal. Proscriptor's drumming is even crazier than Flo's, it's like a lead instrument.

None So Vile seemed a bit like that to me at first, but I can see the songs now. They may have a lot of shift-ups at points, but it comes back to the one or two central ideas. And Lord Worm is one of my two favorite vocalists. And I love the production because it's clean and doesn't have the buzzy sound that a lot of classic death metal albums have.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Oh....and I have a question for Guardian Of Darkness. Do you like Absu's 'Tara?' Because to me, it seems to suffer from some of the same issues with composition that you say Cryptopsy's music does.

I really don't see how you drew that comparison. The composition on Tara is WAY more focused and coherent than anything Cryptopsy has released.
Demiurge said:
There are few things I hate more than funk. I promise I will try to broaden my horizons by going to the local Tower and spending 200$ on it, though, because I must not understand it.

That's the spirit. A few listens to the classics should set you right as rain. :)

Cythraul said:
The composition on Tara is WAY more focused and coherent than anything Cryptopsy has released.

I agree. Yet, for some reason, I've enjoyed all of Crytopsy's releases more. I honestly can't say why.