Members of Borknagar, Trained Musicians?

Scourge of Amalek

Metal Ethnomusicologist
Aug 7, 2003
Little Rock, Arkansas
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What members of Borknagar have taken lessons for their instruments, and can anyone in the band read music? Or is it just something done "by ear?" Just curious, as I think that you guys are all superb musicians (especially Tyr!). :loco:
Musical theory is probably very helpful to have but I seem to get by well enough doing things by ear. I can't even read music, only tablature and I have been playing guitar for about 5 years now. And Asgeir, you don't need to know 4/4, you seem to extremely well without it! Haha.
asgeir said:
Believe it or not, but I don't even know what a 4/4 beat is... I've had the idea for a couple of years now making a shirt where it says "4/4?".

- Asgeir

:lol: wow, ida never thunk it
There is no such thing as a 4/4 beat, since no one knows what it is.....