Micro BR-80 recording option?


New Metal Member
Dec 26, 2011
Hello everyone,

I have a Micro BR-80 and I use it for recording. I use it for band sessions and also for when I'm playing by myself. But I'm not really satisfied with all the built in amp-models; the clean ones sound great, but the overdrive and distortion ones (the ones I mostly use) don't sound as good as the ones from my amp. So I decided to try to connect my guitar to my amp (Vypyr 15) and connect the amp to the Micro. But I've got no clue on how to do this. There's a 1/8 ''record out'' input on the amp, so I'm guessing I need some kind of cable to connect from there to the 1/4 input in the Micro BR? The manual doesn't tell me anything about this either. A friend told me that there's basic cables with just a 1/4 end on one side and a 1/8 end on the other side. Could I use such a cable to record directly from my amp to my Micro BR-80?

P.S.: Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes, or if I made anything sound unclear; English isn't my first language.

Anyways, Many Thanks!
