Milwaukee photos, trying again

Chad Lee

New Metal Member
Not sure why i couldn't get these to work the other night, but I'll try again.
A few sample pics from the show in Miwlaukee last weekend.





AWESOME pics!!! Thanks for posting 'em! I especially like the pic of Joey giving the finger, and the black and white shot from behind Scott, Dan, and Joey! :headbang:
Where was this show? Eagles?

Seeing Joey give the finger like some Nu Metal motherfucker.....

Maybe it all goes back to Cliff Burton on the Puppets record jacket.

By the way, it's cool see behind Charlie's I see 2 snare drums?
Drokk said:
By the way, it's cool see behind Charlie's I see 2 snare drums?

Yeah I've noticed that too! The second one is probably some kind of piccolo...not sure though.
Drokk said:
Where was this show? Eagles?

Seeing Joey give the finger like some Nu Metal motherfucker.....

Maybe it all goes back to Cliff Burton on the Puppets record jacket.

By the way, it's cool see behind Charlie's I see 2 snare drums?

givin the finger in Nu metal? Isocube for you Drokk!! , and was youre mouth with soap!!:devil:
dutchy said:
givin the finger in Nu metal? Isocube for you Drokk!! , and was youre mouth with soap!!:devil:
Dude, are you drunk? I can't make sense of that. My point was, I first noticed bands flicking off the camera in the mid-late 90s, and it was mainly nu metal fucks doing hard-ass posturing. I've always thought this was strange. Seeing somebody old school like Belladonna doing it is funny to me.
Drokk said:
Dude, are you drunk? I can't make sense of that. My point was, I first noticed bands flicking off the camera in the mid-late 90s, and it was mainly nu metal fucks doing hard-ass posturing. I've always thought this was strange. Seeing somebody old school like Belladonna doing it is funny to me.

WTF? Bands have been doing that for ages. I've seen pics of rock bands from the 70's/80's doing it! Infact I have a Metallica vid from the Justice era, and Hetfield flips off the camera. True, acting hard is a nu metal staple, but flipping the bird to the camera ain't new! The photo of Joey doing it cracks me up!
Chad: where was this show? Eagles Ballroom?

Johnnie: Is a piccolo snare tuned to a higher pitch? Or is it smaller?
Drokk said:
Dude, are you drunk? I can't make sense of that. My point was, I first noticed bands flicking off the camera in the mid-late 90s, and it was mainly nu metal fucks doing hard-ass posturing. I've always thought this was strange. Seeing somebody old school like Belladonna doing it is funny to me.

it's clear to me that you never read one Dredd comic. Isocube means jail.
dutchy said:
it's clear to me that you never read one Dredd comic. Isocube means jail.
OK, note for future reference. I haven't read a Dredd comic in over 8 years. I wasn't into it enough to remember that stuff now. Most of what I read was when I was in high school, more than 12 fucking years ago, and that was because of the art more than anything (namely Brian Bolland). Sorry I'm not into it enough for you.
By the way, just giving you shit, Dutchy. I'll brush up on my Dredd so I can justify my avatar.
johnnieCzech said:
Not really.
I don't know anything about drum tuning. It just makes sense to me that a smaller-diameter head would give a higher pitch. Maybe it's just another snare to have in an alternate position, like the high-hats?
johnnieCzech said:
Diameter can be the same. I was talking about depth, not width, sorry. And it's high-pitched, right.
Aha! I see that now. Interesting. I've just read some quick reviews on an instruments page and it seems a lot of drummers, especially metal and punk, like the piccolo snare. Why is that? Sharper attack?

Btw, have you listened to Death?