MM4 - Will Happen... May 12


Aug 29, 2002
In Space
Yes. Yes. Yes... it will happen. We will have an announcement tonight for our first band. It will only be one day and very inexpensive. We will have a variety of bands on the bill.

I also know it is on the same day as Milwuakee Metal fest... but who cares.. I do not. lol! :kickass:
So will it look like an MM3 roster where there's a predominant "true metal" bias? Last year you had bands like Tankard, Helstar, Usurper, etc, right?
Raise Hell is the first band...

If they play stuff from the first album they'll be alright, other wise they have a really generic 'swedish' sound to me :/
Note: Generic Swedish Sound.

Just sounds like everything else that comes from the area... Hell, even the first album sounded like early Dissection big time.