More NU Metal Guilty Pleasures...


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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After reading everyone's guilty pleasures of the music world... I'm a little confused. People feel guilty because they like Nothingface, Mudvayne, Pantera, Systematic, and System of a Down?? Now... they may be "new" American metal... but I would not classify these guys in the "NU Metal" genre... the NU metal scene was started by Korn with their first album I believe... and the whole idea of NU Metal and the reason why I hate it is because it all sounds the same and there is not much creativity. As for all the bands above... they all have VERY unique and different sounds... I mean... have you ever sat down and just listened to Mudvayne or Nothingface??? They're two of my favorite bands... Mudvayne sounds like a Slipknot clone at first glance... but you listen and listen and you realize that they are geniuses... and Nothingface... in my mind... is the best metal band to come from America since Metallica. Really... if you haven't done it... just sit down and listen to some Mudvayne, Nothingface, Pantera, Systematic, and System of a Down records... I think you'll be very pleased once you get through all the listening.

One more thing... I actually think the bands above are hurting... because people put them in that NU Metal group... notice how their albums sell less than more popular NU Metal... that's because they're beyond NU Metal and actually have some talent in their music making... so in a way... NU Metal has hindered very talented bands... and they are unfortunatley put into a shitty class of metal.
I'm listening to System of a Down right now. :D I love it, and I'm not going to apologize for it, so HA!
i'm not a pantera fan anymore when i come to my sense that how low iq their fan is and stuff. but you call pantera a nu-metal band, are you insanity cresendo?
i'll agree with you with everything except mudvayne sounding like SK .....mudvayne isn't even close and they release a million times better music despite the fact that they have like twice less members....mudvayne IMO just fucking rocks , so does nothingface and some of the other bands but they're only looked down upon cuz of their nu-metal status and in mudavynes case the make up (which i myself am not a big fan of) ......but i just cannot dislike a bnd that releases a song as good as "Death Blooms" (i love that song) :D
Pantera is NOT nu-metal. Speaking of which, does anyone know anything about their song "This Love"? Like, for example, what it means?
Death Blooms is beautiful. So is Cradle. I finally can sing along with Dig, I'm so proud of myself! I got that cd. (LD50)
Originally posted by Towelie
People feel guilty because they like Nothingface, Mudvayne, Pantera, Systematic, and System of a Down

Nothingface-haven't heard anything by them
Mudvayne-kicks ass
Pantera-cool from what I've heard
Systematic-pretty cool, good live
System of a Down-kicks ass
I posted on that thread - not because I'm guilty - but just to answer as to what other bands I listen to. I may not buy all these bands CD's, but I think bands like MudVayne and Disturbed are decent - quite a few songs I listen to : and some cathcy tunes too.

Granted, I truely find Opeth leagues above them, but it still doesn't take away from these other bands.
well i saw the video of this love and it basicly show teh guy going to prostitute house and stuff like that. the first album was best, the sleep and cemetary gates.
I don't even try to compare any other bands to Opeth, it's not fair to the other bands. Opeth is in an entirely seperate category of it's own.

Disturbed is good live to. David yells very well. Does that 'oh wa ah ah ah' really well.
Originally posted by terrymx
well i saw the video of this love and it basicly show teh guy going to prostitute house and stuff like that. the first album was best, the sleep and cemetary gates.

I mean, what is the song meaning? Let me explain: I have a notebook in which I write down lyrics to songs I like (something to do in school) and this guy wrote the lyrics to This Love in there. The lines between me and this guy are kind of blurry so I was just curious if there was a meaning to it or if I'm just paranoid.

EDIT: This sounds so stupid when I read it :rolleyes:
Terrymx... I never said Pantera was NU Metal... I just said it was one of the bands that people had guilty pleasures about liking... and I said they SHOULDN'T be called NU Metal... and niether should ANY of the bands I mentioned... IMO. Jayde... listen to Nothingface's Violence... it's a great CD... and they're just brutal as hell... nothing more... nothign less... and Slipknot_isn't_metal... I agree... Mudvayne is not a Slipknot clone... I was trying to say that it is unfair to people who will not listen to them for the simple fact that a lot of people DO call them a Slipknot clone. They hear DIG on MTV (the ONLY Mudvyane song that sounds like Slipknot) and just assume. Mudvayne is AMAZING though... and no doubt that Opeth is head and shoulders above all these guys... I'm just saying that all these bands deserve some more credit than getting labeled just another NU metal act. I think the two most genius bands I've heard are Opeth and Tool. Radiohead also when I'm in a more mellow mood.
man i love this forum !!! if i said on any other metal forum that i like mudvayne or nothingface i'd be called "poser", "not tr00" and i'd get flamed to hell and back .....i swear SOME (by far not all) metal heads can be such eliteist assholes.... just cuz i like an occasional nu-metal band (remember....slipknot is NOT metal) it doesn't make me a fucking poser :mad:
Nope I have a few NU Metal bands in my top 10 band list... here they are:

1. Opeth
2. Tool
3. Mudvayne
4. Dream Theater
5. Dark Tranquility
6. Nothingface
7. Deftones
8. Symphony X
9. Radiohead
10. Metallica
I think nu-metal is ceaselessly annoying and amazingly retarded. I am proud that I have NO nu-metal bands that I like. Its funny, because the one I hate the most is the one that most people here like: System of a CLown. I can't stand them! If you could represent retardation with music, it would sound like SOAD. Or Slipknot, another band that I can't believe actually exists. Holy hell. Just talking about nu-metal is making me pissed. Nothingface is another band that I would love to see on a milk carton. What is with these guys? Well, at least they like Voi-Vod. And why do people think the guy from disturbed has a ood voice? He is just another lock-jawed whiner in the Staind/Creed/Korn/Shitnot tradition...
I don't know how you can call Nothingface just another NU Metal band... their sound is unlike any other band out there... not to mention that Matt Holt's vocals are nothing short of amazing... clean and distorted... and their drummer is almost god-like... and system of a down?? well there is simply no band like them on the planet... they have great lyics... they're so tight it's ridiculous... great singer... I don't know how anyone can't like these bands
by the way... I've NEVER liked Slipknot... I heard Wait and Bleed... didn't like it but I thought their other stuff could be good... borrowed my friend's CD... gave it back the next day... almost threw it away to scold him for buying such a shitty CD... and the new one is even worse... so I COMPLETELY agree with that
What's so bad about System of a Down, Sadistik?I'm not trying to pick a fight, but no one else will answer that for me. They just say they suck, they never say why. So....?:err: