Most Hated Band


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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Kashmir- Mind numbing how important and concentrated these dudes can look while playing music that is so extremely uninteresting. Argh, just had to suffer through 2 of their songs at this benefit Asia concert waiting for Mew to come on, yaiks. And their fans, tehy make Opeth fans seem levelheaded o_O
I'm thinking women hating Manowar is the natural order of things. Still I think they'd be head over heels about Master of the wind or Heart of steel had it been released by Anathema
I saw danny doing heart of steel and all the berds went "aaawwwwww..oooooo"

has to be U2 for me, consistently hatable for 20 years
well, i wouldn't really know what they do with the chocolate, would i? :D
but i guess you're right allan, it's only that i really hate the word "hate":p
well, aren't you a bore, bastet...

has to be shanaia twain for me. or, if single artists aren't allowed in this little pop-quiz, good charlotte. god, I hate those guys.