most underrated band ever

Sad Madrigal

Mar 22, 2008
Since there was a thread with the most overrated bands ever, I must do the opposite thred.
In my opinion the most underrated band is Sonata Arctica.
I tend to think most of the Prog music I listen to is fairly overrated. Such a shame that the genre has gotten such little mainstream appreciation, except for maybe Tool.

I'd say Katatonia. They don't even growl, the deserve some credit from the mainstream. Though, a part of me hopes they stay fairly underground, bands stay more true to themselves that way.
I tend to think most of the Prog music I listen to is fairly overrated. Such a shame that the genre has gotten such little mainstream appreciation, except for maybe Tool.

I'd say Katatonia. They don't even growl, the deserve some credit from the mainstream. Though, a part of me hopes they stay fairly underground, bands stay more true to themselves that way.

Katatonia def deserve more cred.
not a band... just a composer... Bach: never will acquire the respect and the recognition he deserved ... i mean, i don't believe in god, but sometimes his music makes me hesitate...
For a band... Inti Illimani
Sonata Arctica? you're effing kidding.

Paatos doesn't get nearly enough respect.
The Future Sound Of London.
Kaizers Orchestra

I'll stop there for now.
Kalisia. They haven't released anything since 1995 and even that was a EP. This year though they are releasing their debut full-length, 'Cybion'. There's a leak of it going around, and I tell thee that it is one of the best albums of the year. Long, epic, progressive death metal. Imagine Crimson (by Edge OF Sanity) mixed with Ayreon.
agree with:


will add:

Negura Bunget
Jethro Tull (i said it)
Since there was a thread with the most overrated bands ever, I must do the opposite thred.
In my opinion the most underrated band is Sonata Arctica.

sonata gets a lot of publicity from their home country and the Unia album.... its alright, but... to me its very commercial sounding.

not saying they're a bad band though, I love their older stuff. they get kudos for being a power metal band that at least changes up their musical formula.

I say Wolves In The Throne Room is seriously underrated and should definitely be talked about a little more me thinks... unless it is and I'm just not seeing it.