MTV is evil.....

Super Mahrio

Deeply Horrible Person
Apr 30, 2003
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BASTARDS!!!! how could they do this?
they were SUPPOSED to play I, Voyager on HBB tonight and guess what....they all....
even Uranium didnt play it...i went out of my way to watch this and was force fed a bunch of mallcore shit instead...Lamb Of God had the premiering video tonight, NOT NEVERMORE! what gives?!
WD, did you watch this? did it anger you? :yell:
Severely. Bastards.
Next week, I guess.
They had Eighteen Visons on, and they played that one video of thiers, "Break Like Glass" or something (the video with the two chicks making out on the bed, for the guys who don't read the screen :Smug: ). I was actually glad to see that video since I have't seen it in a while and ... uhh, I also have a certain affinity for it:oops: ... and then they played the video for "Southbound" by Visions of Disorder (the video with the girl in the desert ... who also has sex with the other girl in the video), which I also haven't seen in about a year and was glad to see because I like the song a lot. I didn't catch what Jamie said in between the 2, like whatever pathetic segue he'd make to show another video with girl-on-girl action ... just thought it was a convenient little theme for him to throw in :rolleyes:
Maharet said:
they sounded all alike huh!? whats up with that? when the highlight of the show is an old Tool video, you know something is wrong!
I missed that segue, too ... you know the only reason that Tool was played was because the singer from Earshot needs to give Maynard James Keenan his vocal cords back.
I couldn't believe I actually sat through it all...most of it with the mute button on

and Eighteen Visions...I was laughing pretty much the whole through the interview

claiming they were trying to "keep things original" and such. haha
Pyrus said:
Heh, you people and your cable.

hahah you dont have cable either?

even if i did...i wouldnt watch it...and i dont understand why you people care if it was on some faggot gay ass show! the next thing every fucken poser out there will be wearing a nevermore shirt saying that they're huge fans because they saw that video...i prefer nevermore to stay the way they and away from the media
nevermore doesn't have the type of sound posers will ever get into and they don't really have an image which is anotehr reason posers won't like em....i was worried about that when they showed EoR on it a year ago but the posers didn't take any attachment to it. you said it yourself you either really like them or don't like them, not really an inbetween
now CoB has an image and thats why posers like them.

and i don't have cable i have satellite, heed me
even if i did...i wouldnt watch it...and i dont understand why you people care if it was on some faggot gay ass show! the next thing every fucken poser out there will be wearing a nevermore shirt saying that they're huge fans because they saw that video...i prefer nevermore to stay the way they and away from the media
to quote the elephant from Rockos Modern Life: "'re an idiot!"
seriously, you dont wanna see your favorite band become successful after 10 years of hard work? sure seeing a Nevermore cd in Hot Topic is scary, but not being able to see a video by them is lame....they made that video, for dogs sake, it should air....
No publicity is bad publicity, y'know ... A while ago, I think there was a Nevermore poster on the bedroom wall of the kid in the Sopranos in the show, so that's pretty damn cool, too. Yeah, seeing them in Hot Topic isn't exactly as "metal" as being shown on the Sopranos (then again, I've never watched the Sopranos, so I wouldn't know how "metal" that is...), but hey, it's all good.
I tivo'd it so luckily i didn't have to watch Eighteen Visions and the rest of the eyeliner-core crew fag it up on there, but i do love Lamb of God, so at least that was an up side for me. It sucks that they didn't play the I Voyager video though, I blame it on Jamey Jasta, mostly because of his big fat head.