New Nightwish Vocalist is(info from Sonic Cathedral)

Mar 12, 2003

Saw this on the Perpetal Motion MB,and Rick Harper says its from a reliable source(Sonic Cathedral is the only online label/distro specializing in female fronted heavy rock/metal),so if it is bad info,there is your source
Here is the text for all of you. It was kinda coincidental that she quit Tristania at about the time the vocalist search was over, i wonder if there is any fact to this rumor.

Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat is reporting that NIGHTWISH has already chosen a replacement for singer Tarja Turunen, but the band is carefully guarding her identity. However, according to Ilta-Sanomat, the new vocalist is none other than former TRISTANIA frontwoman Vibeke Stene (Photo#1, Photo#2).

There are a number of signs pointing to the fact that Vibeke is Tarja's replacement in NIGHTWISH. For example, influential European music business person Frank Stroebele (manager for WITHIN TEMPTATION and ANASTACIA) recently asked an Ilta-Sanomat reporter, "Have you heard who the new singer of NIGHTWISH is? I understand that it is Vibeke."

Vibeke quit TRISTANIA last month "due to personal reasons," making the timing of her departure perfect if she were to join NIGHTWISH.

However, the only public information about the new vocalist that has come out of the NIGHTWISH camp so far has been offered by the group's manager, Ewo Pohjola (a.k.a. Ewo Rytkönen) of King Foo Entertainment. "She is getting along very well with the guys," he said. "She is very talented, clever and sweet."
well if this rumor is true...

here are my comments.

she's going to have to lose the cape in her live performances. Nightwish needs a frontwoman who can jump around, be energetic. Vibeke basically stands around in the same place from bootlegs I've seen (and the Widow's Tour Tristania DVD)...but then again, Tristania's music is a lot slower than Nightwish over all.

her voice is really going to have to change for Nightwish. Her singing style in Tristania will not suit what Nightwish needs. She's going to have to totally reinvent herself vocally, or this will not work.

i guess she's attractive enough for the role. This matters more than we all think. It's extremely vital in this genre of female fronted metal, unless it's death metal, lol.

and overall really she's going to have to make the transformation to FRONTWOMAN. In Tristania...she was nothing of the sort in my opinion. More just another member of the band. Of course they used her image like crazy, but really she never stood out to me as the VOICE of TRISTANIA.

she's got a lot of work ahead of her.
she's going to have to lose the cape in her live performances. Nightwish needs a frontwoman who can jump around, be energetic.

... they didn't need one of those before...

her voice is really going to have to change for Nightwish. Her singing style in Tristania will not suit what Nightwish needs. She's going to have to totally reinvent herself vocally, or this will not work.

Or maybe the band is reinventing itself where Vibeke's vocals don't need to change one bit.

In Tristania...she was nothing of the sort in my opinion. More just another member of the band.

After what they had to go through, maybe the rest of Nightwish is ready for a singer that is just another member of the band.
her voice is really going to have to change for Nightwish. Her singing style in Tristania will not suit what Nightwish needs. She's going to have to totally reinvent herself vocally, or this will not work.

I disagree. The band stated they didn't want a Tarja clone. Granted, she'll have to sing the old stuff, but she can bring her own flavor to it though. If it's her, then I'm really looking forward to the band's next release.

Been a lot of rumors about Vibeke already. The latest topic on the NW Forum in reponse to this announcement seems to lean away from it.

Webmaster Christian: Vibeke isn't the new singer. I am.


I was really hoping for someone completely new, but Vibeke could probably adjust her style to NW. She certainly has the pipes for it and looks the part. NW purists will shoot me for this, but I think it's time to get away from Tarja's sound. She was awesome, usually, but a little odd at times in her delivery, especially live. Often she seemed more focused on the sound of her own voice than matching the needs of the music...or getting the lyrics right. I'm ready to hear something new.

Oh, and on a side note, I think all those costume changes were superfluous. Was a bit distracting imo, especially for HER. It was one of her major beefs about the U.S. tour she refused to do: no place to change during the performances at the chosen venues. One switch per show is plenty, I think. Hopefully, that tradition won't be continued, especially if it creates such "problems".
There are a lot of talented operatic female singers around, but they mostly sing for Gothic or Ambiance styled bands. What sets Tarja apart is that she can sing Power Metal. Operatic but more importantly: hard and fast.
If Nightwish can't find a singer who can do the same, then they fall back into the ranks of numerous generic female fronted bands as far as I'm concerned.
As I said in the other thread about Tristania, she's one of the more well known singers I could stand being in Nightwish. I love Floor but she's the first person I wouldn't want in Nightwish. I like Simone but I wouldn't like her voice for Nightwish. And in regard to stage presense and "style", you're going back years when I would have called her more of a backup vocalist. I've seen those videos. The whole band had issues with weird wardrobes and standing around. If you check out the newer Tristania promos, she's got much more of the standard wardrobe now that all the female goth singers love.

Some newer pics:

Supposedly "finnish newspaper" that info came from is a tabloid notorious for encouraging false rumors (like most tabloids, I suppose)

I'll believe it when it's oficially announced on the Nightwish website (and I pray to God it's not Vibeke)
I have watched a bunch of vids of her on youtube, and she couldn't hold Tarja's bitch bag vocally.

If NW does not want a Tarja clone, that is fine. Just get a vocalist better than this one.
That is very funny greykiller. I looked through several of their videos. It seems like she barely sang in any of them. A lot of growling. When she did sang, her voice was pleasant but I couldn't understand her very well. The jury is out on her. It is interesting that most of the female melodic metal singers have dark hair.