New Review Upload: Deicide, Khanate, and more...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Six new reviews published this evening (at 2 minutes to midnight EST, heh):

ADVENT - The Dawn
DEICIDE - Scars of the Crucifix
FARMAKON - A Warm Glimpse
KHANATE - Things Viral [Staff Pick of the Week]
LUCIFERION - The Apostate

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There comes a time when everything should be obliterated.[/font]
I haven't even read the review yet, but this is the Best. Opener. Ever.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]as this album suffers a bit from the inclusion of LIL’ BOW-WOW. Yes, that’s right, you heard me. A little bit of Blatant Opeth Worship, but WOW, is it good![/font]
:lol: Fuckin' dork!!! That was hilarious.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Apostate appears to be a concept album and takes soundbites from the film Dark City.[/font]
Sold. Now if I'll only remember this album come April... ;)
(I keep editting my first post)

Nice review of Khanate man, glad I picked that one up! Did you ever get around to Goatsblood? With all this Sunn 0))) and Khanate worship you gots goin' on right now, you may want to check them out. Maybe.
NAD said:
Nice review of Khanate man, glad I picked that one up! Did you ever get around to Goatsblood? With all this Sunn 0))) and Khanate worship you gots goin' on right now, you may want to check them out. Maybe.
Good point, NAD. BWD should like the Willowtip roster.

@BWD - I have both Rune and Goatsblood which are not (and never will be) my thing. Keep that in mind if you're interested. :)
That Khanate review is probably the best RC review I've read yet. The description fits the album PERFECTLY. I'd highly encourage BWD to contact Southern Lord, James Plotkin, and maybe Greg Anderson with the review. You could probably score an interview with somebody in the band. Hopefully James Plotkin. Since it is HIS masterpiece.

That brings up another point. I was going to send Brian Livoti of Watchmaker a link to the review at RC, but I can't link it directly. You guys could get some exposure at band websites if you could link things directly. I can go to several bands websites and find reviews that I've done. It's good for the website as well as the ego.
Oh . . . and if you're looking for the band most akin to Khanate. Check out one of the best albums of 2003.

Unearthly Trance - Season of Seance, Science of Silence

Stephen O'Malley produced it. It is a little more black metal than Khanate, though. Very much doom, though.
okay, first of all, thanks for liking the khanate review. i seriously had about 30 minutes to spare before class and was listening to the album and thought "oh what the hell" and did it. for some reason, everything about that album came together for me in that single moment and i had to write it all out.

secondly, i own the rune album, which i didn't like at first because it was too "grind-y" (i don't really like grind), but it has grown on me so that i actually find it enjoyable. i've heard many watchmaker songs and every one of them i have liked. somehow i have yet to buy the album, though. i've heard a song by about every other willowtip band at their website. even goatsblood... which i liked!

theres a harakiri album at the music store a block away from me... should i buy it? and i i had money for one cd, which of these should i buy?

harakiri - twilight of the idols
old man gloom - seminar 2 and 3
halo - body of light
keelhaul - the latest one
Don't get that Harakiri, it's grind. I've only listened to it once and I liked it okay.
npearce - as BWD said, you can link directly to anything on our site. Just go to a review (for example) and right-click your mouse. Go to 'properties' and you'll find the URL right there!
Black Winter Day said:
thanks! ;)

i guess i will end up getting another OMG album. refrlections is good, but it's too damn short! too much time is given to ambient pieces, and on a 29 minute cd, that's like 14 mins of kickass music!

That's my only problem w/ the new DEICIDE. Sure, the 9 tracks are powerful as hell, but they are just so fucking short!!
Oh man, I love short brutal CDs! In fact, to plug a Vader review of mine:

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Punishing albums are so much more fun when they are short. Look at SLAYER’s Reign in Blood, would that album be so incredible if it were over an hour in length? Sure it might be cool to have some extra material, but part of its mystique is that it beats the snot out of you and leaves you for dead long before you know what hit you, and by the time you have any clue, the album is over. Such is the case with Litany, a crushing album that clocks in at just over 30 minutes. It begins, it destroys, it ends.[/font]
Come April I shall be checking out Deicide, most especially the new one since I really liked the mp3 I downloaded from it.
I've been listening to the Deicide debut quite a bit recently - I think it's at around the 28 minute mark, but the riff changes are so intense and dynamic, it doesn't really feel like it goes that quickly. Well, at least not to these ears.

Anyway, I must pull out Litany too - I've not heard that one enough. Revelations and DeProfundis have nabbed all of my Vader attention span as of late.
For the 9 millionth time... I need more Vader dammit.

De Profundis is incredible, does your copy have that Depeche Mode cover at the end? It fits so well for some reason!
JayKeeley said:
I've been listening to the Deicide debut quite a bit recently - I think it's at around the 28 minute mark, but the riff changes are so intense and dynamic, it doesn't really feel like it goes that quickly. Well, at least not to these ears.
Exactly. It's funny because I don't think I ever realized it was that short until I just read this post. And I've probably listened to that record hundreds of times in the course of the past 15 years.