our EP information

Holy... crap...

You guys are beyond good it's not even funny. It's the first time I post on the ultimate metal forums and it just had to be here.

I just wanted to say I listened to the two songs posted on your website and they are amazing. I just hope you make your EP available through other means because paypal and moneyorders are impossible for me at the moment.

Keep up the good works, you guys are killer.
hey thanks man! Yeah we're searching for deals now for that very purpose...distribution and help with promotion/touring for next summer.

HOpefully somethign comes to fruition.
Man, I saw your thread on the Arsis forum and I was like, wtf. #1 who is from Montana anyway, and #2 its pretty bold posting on a bands website your own, so I checked it out and was amazed, 100x better than anything I expected. It's awesome dude. I would like to buy a copy. do I just PM you, or is there an address I can paypal?

if the EP has more songs like the two you have up, I'm ready and waiting.

great job