People are comparing Benante and Lars on the Metallica message board.

SAZZ said:
like theres really a debate on who's better.
seriuosly. A comparioson? What comparison? The best thing I ever did for myself was get out of my Metallica rut. Don't get me wrong they have some kick ass songs, esecially the first 4 albulms, but with the exception of Cliff (I love you man, RIP), they are all average metal musicians. I might even have to say that latley, they have been very sub-par. Especially Lars. Benante is a GOD on the drum kit. If you have the balls to argue that, you better be deaf. :headbang:
Pelvic Fury said:
Benante is a GOD on the drum kit. If you have the balls to argue that, you better be deaf. :headbang:

Fuckin A right he is.....and I posted there and told them so!!! :headbang:
Lordlindsey said:

(i don't really mean it, just thought I'd get your blood pressure up)

Hang on, let me do my Lars impression.... POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP....Yeah, that's about how his snare is sounding now a days. Like a fucking trash can. Poor guy, he knows not what he does.
yeah i understand about lars having a shitty drumsound but i dont think its fair to have a go at kirk and his solos. yeah mayb on load era stuff and shit he used it the wah wah to much which i agree sounds pish but he has done some absolute great solos. I am a fan of spitz but even his solos were no match for kirks back in the old days. But yeah back to the point charlie kicks lar's ass

i dont wanna start a slanging match about metallica Vs anthrax as i like them both, but i dunno how you can call hetfield and hammett sub standard musicians. if they are sub standard what does that make scott and rob/spitz?? Just cos u dont like their music doesnt mean they are substandard