People are comparing Benante and Lars on the Metallica message board.


I'm sure Kirk played the solos, but that James did all the rhythm. not that I think Kirk is great or anything, but I do remember James saying in interview pre-Black album that he couldn't do leads.
Karina_666 said:

I'm sure Kirk played the solos, but that James did all the rhythm. not that I think Kirk is great or anything, but I do remember James saying in interview pre-Black album that he couldn't do leads.
But he does do leads. He does one in "hit the lights" he does one in "to live is to die" he does one in He does one in "the unforgiven" just to name a few. And for the sub-standard comment, I was not comparing them to the Anthrax guitar players (which, by the way, you forgot Paul Crook, who was by far the most talented) I was comparing them to pretty much everyone. Look at Exodus, Testament, Flotsam and Jetsam, Slayer, Priest, Maiden, and just about every other real metal band you can think of. I AM NOT SAYING THIS OUT OF SPITE FOR METALLICA! I love the old shit. Ride the Lightning is one of my all time Favorite Records. :headbang:
Metallica was great on there first few albums. Lately they havent been doin good. Maybe they all should of kept drinking instead of quitting. At least back when they were alcoholics they were good. But Lars is the worst player in the band. Benante is a hell of a lot better than Lars. No comparision. they are in completely different leagues.