Please listen to my recordings...

Ockham said:
Worst music I've ever heard.

This is excellent. And Metal as fuck. What the hell are you talking about?

And yeah, the jew is right, this sounds a lot like Virgin Fucking Steele. \m/

EDIT: HOLY SHIT! That riff at about the one minute mark of Sleepless Nights RULES! \m/

Find a singer. Put out an demo/EP/LP. And I'll fucking buy it. :wave:
Hah, yeah, I figured Ockham didn't even listen to it. ;)

Black Rain is pretty cool too. The bluesy solos are a nice touch, kinda reminding me of a substantially less talented Michael Schenker (which is not a knock on your talent, since he's Michael Fucking Schenker.)

Now to listen to "Sleepless Nights."
Hey, thanks guys!!! Your feedback is much appreciated!!! And as for Virgin Steele...well, I'm not too familiar with them - I've heard a couple of songs I think...`Invictus`...`Fight Tooth & Nail`...either way, I think Virgin Steele rock - so, thanks for the comparison!!!!!!! :hotjump:
Pyrus said:
Hah, yeah, I figured Ockham didn't even listen to it. ;)

Black Rain is pretty cool too. The bluesy solos are a nice touch, kinda reminding me of a substantially less talented Michael Schenker (which is not a knock on your talent, since he's Michael Fucking Schenker.)

Now to listen to "Sleepless Nights."

Hey, come on...I'm way better than Michael Schenker!! Lmao!! J/k!! Michael Schenker kicks ass!!! :D
Dodens Grav said:
Shit, Sleepless Nights is awesome. I assume you use a drum machine?

Thanks!!!! Yeah, I did the drums on a computer program called `Sibelius` - it's really useful!!
Checking out "Minotaur" now. I think the synths in the main "verse" riffage from 0:35 to 1:21 are a little overdone–the guitar work there is really nice speed metal, but the keyboard noise kinda overwhelms it. I'd say dump em or at least turn em down a lot once you get some vocals.
Pyrus said:
Checking out "Minotaur" now. I think the synths in the main "verse" riffage from 0:35 to 1:21 are a little overdone–the guitar work there is really nice speed metal, but the keyboard noise kinda overwhelms it. I'd say dump em or at least turn em down a lot once you get some vocals.

Actually, you're right - the verse might sound better without the keyboard bits. Might help to lift the chorus a little, too.
Just finished listening to it all a couple times. Excellent stuff man, this is REAL epic Power Metal. You should get a band togther and get into contact with Virgin Steele whenever they're touring. :D :worship:
Jean-Pierre said:
Just finished listening to it all a couple times. Excellent stuff man, this is REAL epic Power Metal. You should get a band togther and get into contact with Virgin Steele whenever they're touring. :D :worship:

Wow...2 things...firstly, thanks for calling my music `epic` - that's exactly what I wanted the songs to be when I wrote them! And secondly...I think I'm going to have to buy some Virgin Steele albums!!
Pyrus said:
Get Invictus.

I just posted a link to your shit on Very good site for trad metal.

Out of curiosity, where do you live? It doesn't happen to be in Southern California, does it? I (a drummer) need people to jam with.

Thanks for posting a link for me!!!!!!! South Carolina...damn...I'm all the way over here in England!!! Actually, I think we've got family friends in North Carolina...I'm not sure though - oh well