Questions for Blakkheim

oh, thanks reece...thanks for making us look cool and rockstarish...god damn it...

I think it is quite safe to say that noone in Katatonia does hardcore drugs or fact I dont think there is a ton of weed smoking either.

They are upstanding Swedish citizens with nothing but the greater interest of the world in mind....and they know that using drugs would promote their young fans to also do drugs.....and ...drugs are bad.

In fact the guys never swear or use foul implications in their speech, nor do they masturbate since that is also an abomination against god since they would be "worshiping" a false "idol" much more ridiculous can I make this.

Seriously hardcore drug use.
Why are you even talking about this worthless topic? I mean wtf? Do you think any of the Katatonia members would tell you if they did drugs? We are just some /b/tards on a forum.
Is it ironic that her biggest hit is Oops, I did it Again?

I have to correct you sir, the song "...Baby one more time" has remained her greatest hit to date as it spent 32 weeks on the Hot 100 and it's the only song that made it to #1 at Billboard. It also reached the number one spot in every European country :cool:
Don't spread false information, brother!
oh, thanks reece...thanks for making us look cool and rockstarish...god damn it...

I did forget to mention that everyone in Katatonia is an alcoholic of the most severe kind. Daniels addiction to Irish car bombs has gotten so bad that he has began holding up porno pictures for old men to masterbate to for 1$ per pop. Inevitably he is filthy with man milk everyday to support his habit. :)

I had an irish carbomb in my hand and immediately after he stepped off his drumset he came after it..eeek
