Quick question


Mar 24, 2004
Nanaimo , BC Canada
k what the fuck happened to ulver???!! my fav ulver albums were Bergtatt , Kveldssanger , and Nattens Matrigal , but there new stuff is no were near the grim black/folk metal it once was. now garm ( using the stupid name of trickster g) is hyping his crap to the "open - minded" crowd.could someone please explain to me what happened to what was once an excellent black metal band.
Ultimate Symphony basically stated Garm's reasoning for doing a complete 180

if you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it
so he's basically doing what ihsahn from emperor did....got bored with bm. but ulver only made 2 bm albums ( not including Kveldssanger cause that was folk) and they got bored so soon? thats stupid , they didnt even even get time to experience black metal for what it is....what a bunch of retards .......well i wont be buying any of their new trend-hopping jazz/electronic/rock/avant-garde bullshit.
Personally, I really respect Ulver for trying never to release an album that was a repeat of something they have previously done. Whilst not everything Ulver has released appeals to me equally, it is the variety and unique approach that keeps me eager to hear more from Ulver.
Also remember Vargnatt promo that has almost half an hour of great black metal and those songs are also only in that release (well one of them is in Ulver/Mysticum-split) so it makes the third bm-release by Ulver. It was great thing to release it as 10", the quality is much much better than those cheap bootlegs.

I have The Trilogy and Vargnatt, but also some of the new releases although they're a different band now and I liked them much better before the Blake-album. I can understand that the direction have changed no matter do I like it or not, since most of us have not always listen bm and that for we have changed our musical direction too, not that all of us have recorded any music so people can see/hear it. Should they've changed their name when they evolved, maybe/maybe not, I cannot see any real reason why to do that.

Hehe, this was a strange and possibly stupid post by me...
Strangelight said:
Norwegian black metal is quite a big trend in itself eh? which is probably how people like you got into it

oooo good one... :rolleyes: no actually I didnt start listening to bm cause it was trendy . Where i live i get harrassed by lots of people cause they've heard my music and they think im a freak. not to mention the only metal my friends listen to is cradle of filth and dimm borgir. i only enjoy the music because its good , not because its trendy. i was just trying to show how much ulver has changed , and and why i dislike them now. so you can fuck off.
Ulver as a black metal band ruled. Ulver as an ambient/electronic/whatever band rules.

Ulver is dead, long live Ulver.
Where i live i get harrassed by lots of people cause they've heard my music and they think im a freak

aww, poor kid. Do you have trouble convincing your mom to buy you spiked collars at Hot Topic, too?
Eternal_Frost said:
....what a bunch of retards .......well i wont be buying any of their new trend-hopping jazz/electronic/rock/avant-garde bullshit.

Guess what. There is more out there in the world than heavey metal. Yeahp it's hard to believe, but sometimes artists don't care about ignorant closed minded people like you, and make the art they enjoy and want to make. Maybe Ulver did all they could do metal-wise and for them to make another album would just end up as another "Nattens Madrigal" or "Bergtatt".

I think the only retarded person is you my friend... unless you open your eyes.
Don Corleone said:
new ulver is trendy? oh God!

why do retarded metalheads fall into the misconception that something not metal is trendy?

I dont know why retarded metalheads such as myself fall into the misconception that something not metal is trendy. Dont get me wrong Il ike other forms of music other than metal , its just that metal is my favorite and most loved genre. besides this post is boring , move on.