Reunions you would like to see at Ragnarokkr

I think it has been mutually agreed upon by anyone with more than 2 brain cells that CIRITH UNGOL should top EVERY list of MUST SEE Reunions!!!!!

I bet you could get some people to throw some $$$$$$ at this too.

I also think after this year, Mike should consider sponsorship bids before finalizing the lineup.
2) Jag Panzer (these guys never played US shows in the first placement, and then one day said fuck it were done after 30 years.)

A proper FINAL Jag Panzer gig needs to happen.
Realistically though it will probably happen at KEEP IT TRUE.
That's their home away from home.
Would be killer to have it at Ragnarokkr.

Though these guys have played a lot of shows in the midwest.
Granted its been a while.
There was a 2 year period where I think I saw them 3 times.