Review our band!!!


New Metal Member
Jul 10, 2003
Hi all,

For all those interested, please take a few minutes to check out and review a few tracks from our band's latest cd. Progressive/Melodic thrash from Queens, NY. Thanks in advance


p.s. Into the Maelstrom and The Empty sky are old songs that are 100% unrepresentative of our current sound and are present on the above link simply for artificial ranking purposes on that site! Listen to Eleven and Shatterer of Worlds, listen to the other two at your own risk!
Before GoD moves this off to the self-promotion forum, I suggest you people have a listen. These guys can play their instruments fucking well, and have a good flair for songwriting. The vocals are lacking but that's no excuse to ignore it.
Meh, it sounds like it was written in the late 80's. The singer is fucking awful and where did you get a sock big enough to cover the entire band while recording? It's so muffled you can hardly hear it.
Sorry, just my opinion.

Really, those vocals are shit.

Actually, the drawn out ending reminds me of Motley Crue - it sounds like something off "Shout At The Devil".