Something about guitar fizziness

Do you have some context to put with guitars (Drums + Bass)?
And something sounds very weird in your clip,is there any stereo widener or something?
I like the Marshall 1960V sound, it sits nicely in a mix but definitely has that Marshall vibe to it. Sometimes I feel like the low end in that cab sounds like it had already been processed.

About the mic placement though, if you find a certain mic placement, it can at least give the illusion of no fizziness. I use a spectrum analyzer to find this position. Basically the treble area from 4khz forwards should lower quite evenly and blend together with the presence frequencies. NOT so that there's a gap between the frequencies like from 4khz it cuts out to 8khz and then at 10khz there are peaks of fizz.

Again this is just something I use when I want zero fizz, not "the one right way to mic a cab".
Today I'll buy a Mesa cab, so I'll let you now my results... I like Marshall cabs vibe too, but with a 5150 head and Drop A# tuning I can't get the modern tone I looking for.

Gonna sound stupid but I gotta ask anyway... You've had your guitar set up for drop A# right? Also, do you tune before each take and use fresh strings? A well intonated and in tune guitar with fresh strings is a must. String life for recording to me is typically 3 days... any older and I'll restring.
I say this bc strings that are barely out of tune can still cause alot of harshness if you aren't careful. Try this if you haven't already and let us know how the Mesa turns out!:cool: