Strapping Young Lad - For Those About To Rock DVD


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
So I bought this DVD yesterday... mainly on impulse, but you can't resist a DVD which lists "Naked Cheerleaders!" as one of its special features. The show is intense... I think the setlist is poorly chosen, but that's mainly because I think that starting off with the first 4 songs from their last album SYL made it slow to start. However, as slow to start it may be, once the momentum builds up; unleashed is the pure chaotic frenzy which can only be experienced at a Strapping Young Lad concert.

If anything, this is worth it for Devin Townsend's stage antics alone. Great moments can be had, such as "I SUCK DICK FOR CRACK MONEY!!!", although the stage antics are half the fun of the DVD so I don't want to give them all away.

Something that I don't believe I've seen on a Live DVD before, is that they chose to use split screen effects to show multiple cameras at once, which is both nice, and annoying. Nice because it results in that they don't cut the feed every 3 seconds to look at something else, but annoying in the sense that sometimes you wish that they could focus on a single BIG picture. It isn't split screen all the time though, so that's okay.

Also, as a side note, I find it incredibly hilarious how SYL is rather schitzophrenic with Devin having these passionate singing moments and then half a minute later going on a rampage of rage filled screams. It never really clicked in listening to the CDs or when I saw them on tour last year, but watching it on DVD (separated from the hysteria of the concert itself) it seems pretty goofy... but that's just the way Mr. Townsend is.

The DVD also includes an interview with the band and an interview with the crew which I wouldn't say is all that special, and sadly I couldn't find the naked cheerleaders. I feel slightly ripped off. :(

Music videos for Relentless and Detox are also included. Both of the videos basically are a mock up of them playing in concert, and are mildly entertaining.

Concert: 10/10
Features: 6/10 (would be higher if they didn't lie to me about the cheerleaders)
Overall: 8/10


I like Devin's "solo" albums, but I found SYL kinda....simply boring. City was fun for a few songs, but the self-titled got old really, really fast.

I've heard the band is at its best when on stage, though, and I bet it's a fun concert.

Coincidentally, I was listening to Terria this morning. Best Devin album, oh yes it is.
yeah, I think the DVD's low point is the fact that they play too many songs from the self titled, but that's understandable because it was from that tour.

It would have been really cool if they used the "Blame Canada" song from Southpark which as an intro (which they used for other shows on that same tour)
I shoulda gone to see them when they were here with Dark Tranquillity and someone else (napalm Death I think), but that show was in the ghetto.
NicodemiX said:
Hahahaha oh shit, I didn't even notice that the DVD was called

"For those aboot to rock"


Fuck, that's what I was gonna post in here. Oh well. I haven't heard SYL in a LONG time, and I'm completely oblivious to the rest of Devy's projects. Even though he's a fellow Canuck and a supposed musical genius. I'll try