sure is quiet round here...


Tension breaker, had to be done. ;)
I'll take this opportunity to make my first post here. I'll justify it by saying that it'll liven up the forum :p
Hola jax... just discovered this forum, and the title of the new cd... been outta touch for a while. I'll be poppin around more often now, I think. See ya...

John!!! *big hugs* Good to see you among the living!!!
I'm in your neck of the woods right now..will give you a call soon, we can go raid Rasputin's or something, hehe :D
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Hey Trev, the "I'm saying boo-urns" thing is from the Simpsons when the crowd is booing Mr. Burns, isn't it?
That's a great part. :lol:

Heheh yeah, that's where it's from. I'm totally obsessed with that show; have been for years. I'm one of those guys who knows almost every line from every episode... it's almost like a sickness :p