We found out that the Crocodile Rock Cafe is charging a $5.95 service fee for the online ticket sales on their website. We are running this show and have tickets, so if you want to save that $5.95 and buy tickets for $12 even (no fees) then buy them off of this site. Your name will be on a will call list at the door. Please bring your paypal receipt as proof of purchase.
bumpage ---> Looking forward to seeing many of you at these shows!!

If you are associated with any kind of media, and would like to cover one of the shows (press pass, photo pass, interviews with any band members), please contact me at so I can get you on the proper lists, proper passes, and set anything up you need. Thanks!
Looking forward to seeing some of you Friday and Saturday!

If you do come to one of the shows, please come up, introduce yourself, and say "hello"; it's always nice to put real names and faces to the mystery that shrouds screen names, avatars, and this forum. :)

Rock on,
I hope lots of forumers are able to attend the two shows this weekend. I can tell you from experience that both Odin's Court and Dark Empire can kick all manner of ass on stage. :heh: I am certain that Suspyre will not disappoint either. I only wish I had the financial backing to bring this trilogy of bands down to Atlanta, because I would surely be proud to do so. I've worked with both OC and DE in the past and would love to do so again.

Knock 'em dead guys! :kickass:
I'll do my damndest to be there. Re: Jaxx. I think they canceled just to cancel. Nothing is there on that date. Weird, you'd figger they would keep the show on just to have live bodies in the place.
Well, the fact that no one bought (as in ZERO) any advance tickets and it supposedly costs Jay $1500 to even open the club for a show, then it was very hard for him to justify to have the show that night. Unfortunately his basis of judgment is advanced tickets, so now hopefully that will encourage more people to buy online tickets.

On another note, thank you for all who came out to the New York City show tonight. I believe all of the bands felt it was a real success and a really good time. All of the bands put on one hell of a show, so if you are still sitting at home with nothing to do tonight (Saturday, August 2nd) and live within driving distance to Allentown, PA, I suggest you come out to that show. It's going to be AWESOME. In fact, Suspyre will have a big announcement to make at this show tonight.

Well, the fact that no one bought (as in ZERO) any advance tickets and it supposedly costs Jay $1500 to even open the club for a show, then it was very hard for him to justify to have the show that night. Unfortunately his basis of judgment is advanced tickets, so now hopefully that will encourage more people to buy online tickets.

Given the size of Jaxx and the age of the equipment that number doesn't surprise me at all. It costs a ton to cool that place down, then there's the cost of staff and the electricity to run the lights and PA.

It sucks the show got canceled, but with ZERO pre-sale tickets sold, it probably wouldn't have been worth your while to come down.
Good show in NYC last night, was great to see all of you that came out
Yea it was a great time. Last song of the night, Dark Empire's title track from the new CD, Humanity Dethroned totally kicked ass.

The inclusion of a highly talented keyboardist, April (?), added a lot of depth to Suspyre's set. Good move, guys. She rocks!

A lot of great music and socialization = a super night. :kickass:
We are getting in some feedback from the fans, but there is a thread on Suspyre's forum that has one review of the Allentown show if you want to read that. Keep in mind what Matt from Odin's Court says in the post afterwards when reading this guy's review. It was a sound system nightmare. The show started an hour later because the sound system that was in the venue was cooked from a previous show that week there, without anyone's knowledge until sound check. The bands really really did well for the circumstances, and were very professional about the situation (on our end, not so much the venue's end). The turnout could have been better, but we were competing with Musikfest that was happening in that area that weekend. I will have some photos of all 3 bands for the NYC show & maybe video footage of Suspyre's set in Allentown posted soon.