The "find your posts" challenge!

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
Okay, here's some stupid entertainment for everyone.


See the little envelope icons at the left of all the threads? When you hold your mouse over them, it shows you how many posts you've made in the thread. Your task is to go around to threads you frequent (best method: page through your subscribed threads) and get the numbers of the major ones, then list them here in this thread. Try to stick to threads where you have 20+ posts. This might be interesting, I guess...?

Anyway, here are some of mine, sorted from most to least:

633: What are you doing this moment
435: Pics thread
386: Social thread
174: Controversial opinions on metal
125: Great and all-powerful religion thread
125: np
103: News thread
86: Surrealist/stream of thought writing
77: Altered state of consciousness
61: Gays can't marry in Cali
57: Yanks only: who are you voting for on Tuesday
57: The great innovators of Metal
55: Best album cover ever
52: Have your religious/spiritual beliefs changed
46: The crying virgin thread
37: Whining and bitching thread
37: Top 10 favorite bands
36: Health care: right, privilege or responsibility
35: Talk about music you like
34: Survey: which way do you lean on each political issue
33: Black metal
33: Christians suck; world still turns
32: Official GMD social/pictures thread
32: Who is going to MDF '08
32: 2008 forum awards: nominate extra categories
32: Metal band Rebus
29: Food thread
27: Who would you like to meet from these forums
26: Varg Vikernes committed suicide?
26: Desperate GOP scrapes for ways to smear Obama
25: Should Mexican immigrants be allowed into the U.S freely
23: Last 5-10 albums you listened to
22: The thread about guns and stuff like that
20: Favorite country for metal
1: Death metal :)lol:)

3044: Total from list
2205: Total from top 10 in list

I found 47% of my posts. Woohoo! I officially have no life now.

As a bonus stat, 383 of the above listed posts are in actual music discussion threads. Yeah, I'm pretty worthless.
140 Black Metal.
108 Official GMD Social Thread
93 Post your hauls here
86 The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread
64 The pics thread
56 Traditional Doom Metal
45 Gamers Thread
30 Controversial opinions on metal
30 The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like
24 Albums currently kicking your ass
24 Beer
21 The last 5-10 albums you listened to
20 The Official Movie Thread

I just checked thread on the first page, so some threads that I've probably posted abit in aren't there, like the doom metal thread or wargames thread, but I'm too lazy. :>
1143: np
26: Albums Currently Kicking Your Ass
23: Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Those are the ones I've posted in more, too lazy to search everything else lol...either that or they are below 20 lol.
What Are You Doing: 1675
Black Metal: 1070
Social Thread: 973
pics: 667
post your hauls here: 649

I should have about a thousand more posts, had not "Another Fucking Metal Game" been deleted.
I not only included figures for my posts in these threads, but also the name of the poster with the most posts and how many posts they have there.

Official GMD Social Thread: 25 Posts (The Ozzman has the most, with 1,701)
The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread: 20 Posts (Zephyrus has the most, with 1,675)
The pics thread: 25 Posts (The Ozzman has the most, with 1,098)
The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like: 45 Posts (V.V.V.V.V. has the most, with 1,280)
Post your hauls here: 51 Posts (V.V.V.V.V. has the most, with 688)
np: 255 Posts (Death Delirium has the most, with 1,625)
Albums currently kicking your ass: 51 Posts (V.V.V.V.V. has the most, with 80)
Black Metal: 289 Posts (Zephyrus has the most, with 1,070)
Controversial opinions on metal: 173 Posts (The Ozzman has the most, with 624)
143: Controversial opinions on metal
88: The Official Movie Thread
62: Gamers Thread

Went through several pages and those were the only ones I found with more than 20 posts.
I can't be fucked to go through every single thread but here are some of the ones I've posted in the most:

What are you doing at this moment: 298
Pics thread: 173
Black Metal : 127
np: 112
controversial opinions on metal: 108
Post your hauls : 59
Albums currently kicking your ass : 49
I not only included figures for my posts in these threads, but also the name of the poster with the most posts and how many posts they have there.

Official GMD Social Thread: 25 Posts (The Ozzman has the most, with 1,701)
The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread: 20 Posts (Zephyrus has the most, with 1,675)
The pics thread: 25 Posts (The Ozzman has the most, with 1,098)
The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like: 45 Posts (V.V.V.V.V. has the most, with 1,280)
Post your hauls here: 51 Posts (V.V.V.V.V. has the most, with 688)
np: 255 Posts (Death Delirium has the most, with 1,625)
Albums currently kicking your ass: 51 Posts (V.V.V.V.V. has the most, with 80)
Black Metal: 289 Posts (Zephyrus has the most, with 1,070)
Controversial opinions on metal: 173 Posts (The Ozzman has the most, with 624)

Cool. How did you get those other figures?