the good the bad and the ugly


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
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its funny how bad things come about in good times. i hope the karma police exist in some form. get onto this


its half six and stranger than fiction is on. i love life but me neighbour feels like twatting me. :hotjump:
What a shock in the early morning....(the pic)
Neighbours suck sometimes...
My neighbour is from Turkey and he loves to wake me up in listening to the Koran (islamic) just louder than everything I have heard before...ya know, they pray five times a day and one is really in the too early morning...
My neightbour in Brussels is away since three weeks now, what a quiet place it is without him... :)
My parents's neightbour is the biggest twat I've ever seen, he use to play dance music EACH SUNDAY MORNING at a very very high sound level... Each weekend, I want to kill him, or to destroy his hi-fi system... :ill:
I can't stop thinking about killing my neighbours... not only the coran-one...
Another neighbour uses to play bass guitar, but he is just driving me insane , coz he is such a beginner (nothing against beginners...but he always does play really loud)...
Another neighbour is used to beat up his son... it doesn't drive me insane, it just kills me inside to hear this lil' boy cry...
And, do you know bobby-cars??? I think in this house re living 11 kids, nearly all of them have bobbie-cars and they start riding them at 7 am . the to my window...DAMN
Oh god, I've got nothing to complain I think... Although my left neightbour (who is not here very often) use to play her TV really loud, my neightbour from below is a japanese who gives cooking lessons to a lot of other japanese wives (from 8 AM to 4 PM), and you already know my neightbour from above, the one who's not here for the moment...
Oh, and there are a couple (man & woman) above my left neightbour, and sometimes they scream REALLY loud on each other, which is pretty funny, except when it wakes me up...

amongst my neighbours: 3 dogs in a kennel. during daytime they're quiet, they prefer to bark from 6PM till 8AM. their owner lives at the other side of our village!

don't know if i'd prefer bad religion though,...well actually i think i would...
but then again...
one of my neighbours (can't figure out which way it's coming from) likes to drill. since i moved in two years ago the fucker must have done 200-300 holes or something.. clearly he/she is manufacturing furniture. good thing it doesn't happen very often.

another neighbour used to play incredibly horrible music really, really loud. i can't describe it to anyone not swedish, as i can't think of an international equivalent. ..and yanks reckon country music is bad.. that's like getting your ears massaged by 20 or so beautiful naked girls by comparison. anyways, they've stopped. probably kicked out or properly threatened.

oh, and life is never great. life sucks. always.