The Official Novembers Doom NP Thread!

I heard that the Nachtmystium album was less than par...

You guys are saying it's great.

I might as well listen to it right?

If you're curious, then definitely give it a listen. Good review, bad reviews, ultimately it comes down to how it sounds to your ears. Many of my favorite albums are ones that many will say are "less than par" lol (i.e. Music from The Elder, Angel Rat, Into The Pandemonium, Another Perfect Day, etc....
Cult of Luna - The Great Migration

Have anyone hear the new Cult of Luna album? I think it's the best album of the year (so far).
I don't know if I like Eternal Kingdom more than Somewhere Along the Highway and Salvation, but it's still an awesome album and I'm glad they evolved, and they definetly moved in a direction I enjoy, but it's definetly one of the best so far this year to me.
If you're curious, then definitely give it a listen. Good review, bad reviews, ultimately it comes down to how it sounds to your ears. Many of my favorite albums are ones that many will say are "less than par" lol (i.e. Music from The Elder, Angel Rat, Into The Pandemonium, Another Perfect Day, etc....

YES! Someone else that loves "Elder". I got it on CD around 88 or so before I even had a CD player cause that was the only format I could find. Wonder when the movie is going to come out. :heh:

Also love "Angel Rat" too, LOL.
Both "The Elder" and "Angel Rat" are perfect examples of cds that strayed quite a bit from those respective bands' usual formula and sound, but taken simply for what they are and allowed to stand alone from the rest of the back catalog, they're excellent albums in their own right.
