The rant thread

Bump this shit

I just got braces.

After having them for 2 and a half years or so in my mid-teenage years, at which point I got them off, they were all perfect and they said 'good but your wisdom teeth need to come out now'. Took them out and everything went back to shit. So now I'm 20 years old and have braces AGAIN for the next 3-6 months. Fuck thiiiis.
I hate people who are too fucking brain dead to know how to use eBay. Seriously, how hard is it to fucking check your email/messages and reply?
Why in the fuck are this generation's male 'hunk idols' all metro/androgenous/fucking gay? What ever happened to being a man, and not in denial of your dick? It's like you need to show you can bleed once a month too in order to get a root these days. Fuck me.

+1 sleeping is for fags. 3-4 hours a night for 2 months and things start to get interesting. You can have some nice conversations with your hallucinations.
Why in the fuck are this generation's male 'hunk idols' all metro/androgenous/fucking gay? What ever happened to being a man, and not in denial of your dick? It's like you need to show you can bleed once a month too in order to get a root these days. Fuck me.

Soy products.
Why in the fuck are this generation's male 'hunk idols' all metro/androgenous/fucking gay?

The obvious answer would be the strive towards gender equality, not that I disapprove of that equality, but the effect of it has left a lot of men emasculated and masculine/feminine polarity out of whack.
Why in the fuck are this generation's male 'hunk idols' all metro/androgenous/fucking gay? What ever happened to being a man, and not in denial of your dick? It's like you need to show you can bleed once a month too in order to get a root these days. Fuck me.

I'll +1 this.

"We're men. That means a few things - we like to shit with the door open, we talk about pussy, we go on riverboat gambling trips, and we make our own beef jerky. That's what we do, and now that is all wrecked."
I've tried to live my life in an honest and virtuous manner, and for the most part have done a very good job.

Why, then, are there so many lies and nasty rumors surrounding me? And why do the people I like and trust believe them? :(
Öwen;9191826 said:
The obvious answer would be the strive towards gender equality, not that I disapprove of that equality, but the effect of it has left a lot of men emasculated and masculine/feminine polarity out of whack.

There is no gender equality. We are different, and as such should celebrate those differences and each gender's respective strengths rather than living with blindfolds on screaming 'nyannyanyanya'. Anyway this is prolly grounds for discussion, which this thread isn't for! I thought we weren't supposed to be replying to each other anyway!?
Why in the fuck are this generation's male 'hunk idols' all metro/androgenous/fucking gay? What ever happened to being a man, and not in denial of your dick? It's like you need to show you can bleed once a month too in order to get a root these days. Fuck me.

+1 sleeping is for fags. 3-4 hours a night for 2 months and things start to get interesting. You can have some nice conversations with your hallucinations.

Yep, spot on (not about the sleeping part though.........I like my 7-8 hours a night thanks :lol: and btw, it's spelt "androgynous" lol).
Fuck those androgynous, metro fucking wankers, seriously.
Not exactly what you're talking about, but kinda similar, every time I go into the inner city, I constantly see all these fucking ultra skinny, super tight jeans wearing "indie" guys, wearing these fucking pointy shoes, "fashionable" jackets and this wanky scarves (mind you, I do like some indie music, but I don't really associate with the indie culture because the guys make it so fucking wanky and pretentious).
It's like man, go to the fucking gym, hit some fucking weights, stop drinking that soy shit and be a fucking man. I can't even fit into those fucking super skinny jeans because you know, I actually fucking eat, and my thighs are big enough from doing weights that those jeans wont even go past my thighs.
I swear, those fucking indie wankers are probably 10 per cent of my motivation to do weights and eat shit tons of food, so I don't have to walk around feeling like I'm trying to be one of those faggot anorexic male catwalk models.

Soy products.

Fuck that shit.
I drink probably about 1 liter of milk (that's about 34 fluid oz for you Americans) per day,
Protein, calcium and all that good shit, with none of that testosterone robbing bullshit in Soy.
I disliek Joey sturgis... Not as a person, seems like a great guy! I hate that atleast 50% of the 'popular' 'metalcore' acts around are pretty much produced by Joey and have the same production/ tones... And I hate that this is smiled upon by people. I hate that while I'm doing my best to record real guitar tones, real drums etc and improve my mixing abilities, some people out there are chucking on joey presets and asking for them and pretty much ruining this industry!

I'm out...
I thought we weren't supposed to be replying to each other anyway!?

naw the "opinions thread" was the one where discussions should be avoided


I was pretty fucked up sunday when I had to leave my prom after an hour because of 40°c fever and it was over 30° outside.
Why the fuck did this have to happen, it was the only fucking prom in my life
There is no gender equality. We are different, and as such should celebrate those differences and each gender's respective strengths rather than living with blindfolds on screaming 'nyannyanyanya'. Anyway this is prolly grounds for discussion, which this thread isn't for! I thought we weren't supposed to be replying to each other anyway!?

In the future there will be no Men and no Women,

just one big pile of Wankers
Fucking fuckhead doctors Jesus fucking Christ.

No I've never heard of this drug let me google it quickly.
No I haven't read about any studies using it.
No it'll give you dizzyness and nausea you can't have it, but try this other drug that makes you bleed out your ass and lose your hair and that you've taken before and hasn't worked.
No, even if you provide me with a ton of medical studies/reports showing its effectiveness and lack of side-effects when no other drugs have worked I still won't change my mind because I'm a close-minded stubborn fucking bitch.

Isn't it pissing off when your mate or someone is next to you whilst you're trying to listen to a song and he or she is singing along and/or whistling to it when you're trying to listen to the fucking song? Fuck, don't they realise how selfish that is?

It's one thing to get into a song together and do some karaoke shit but when one guy is trying to enjoy the song and the other is constantly being a wanker by showing his whistling skills whilst drowning out the music, it's just fucking annoying.

Also, ricers in old "beefed up" Honda Civics.

OK, I have to write this down, cause it bugs me hard:

I'm just fit from a sucky fucky cold and now is my throat infected and shits starts again:rolleyes:

On top of that, and the real cause why I'm so fucked up, is that today should be the day where I shot my first porn movie.

But as extra;)

Man this day had been getting soo cool, free Alk(the movie was filmed at a pub), 20 of my best mates and Rocco and Holmes:worship:

Fuck colds!

I'm so fucking mad. I feel like such an idiot.
I guess it's not as bad as it could be and my chest is my best area, but holy fuck I'm pissed. I was on such a roll.
I blame the jack3d.