The Whining and Bitching Thread

Fucking third day in a row of feeling like shit. Haven't been able to breath out of my left nostril for days. Head feels pressurized. Called off work today. Probably going to be miserable tomorrow too but I can afford to miss any more work so I'll go in sick tomorrow and then work my day off to make up time. Started coughing earlier as I tried to stand up and literally fell into my floor. Don't think I've ever had that happen before...
Fucking third day in a row of feeling like shit. Haven't been able to breath out of my left nostril for days. Head feels pressurized. Called off work today. Probably going to be miserable tomorrow too but I can afford to miss any more work so I'll go in sick tomorrow and then work my day off to make up time. Started coughing earlier as I tried to stand up and literally fell into my floor. Don't think I've ever had that happen before...

Soak a tissue with warm salt water, insert said tissue into stuffed nostril, and then snort the salt water up there. It's easier than going out and buying nasal spray, and it works quicker, and just feels bad for a second.
Soak a tissue with warm salt water, insert said tissue into stuffed nostril, and then snort the salt water up there. It's easier than going out and buying nasal spray, and it works quicker, and just feels bad for a second.

I wouldn't trust you when it comes to advices on snorting things.
It's so annoying seeing articles that are like, "according to science, blah blah." There's no dude named science that spits out facts. "It is speculated by individuals in x branch of science that blah blah" probably doesn't grab audiences quite as much, but it irks me to think that somewhere out there there are people reading something that is pure speculation as if it's fact. There is a massive difference between Newtonian physics and evopsych.
It's so annoying seeing articles that are like, "according to science, blah blah." There's no dude named science that spits out facts. "It is speculated by individuals in x branch of science that blah blah" probably doesn't grab audiences quite as much, but it irks me to think that somewhere out there there are people reading something that is pure speculation as if it's fact. There is a massive difference between Newtonian physics and evopsych.

Science is a lot more than speculation.

I agree with your point against the straw man you set up though, if such articles actually exist.
I'm not saying science is speculation. I'm saying it annoys me when scientists speculate something and websites (like cracked) present that as, "science says this." There is a lot of this in articles about evopsych, since the field is pretty much speculation.

The scientific process is not speculation (minus hypothesizing, I guess), but scientists speculate things all the time. It helps find new directions for research. I find it problematic when these speculations are taken as fact simply because they came from a scientist.
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I have much more disdain for professional intellectuals than I do the speculations of scientists myself.
Just because some asshole is gifted in one field we're expected to listen to their opinions on totally unrelated subjects.
I agree with you. Especially in fields like psychology and evolutionary anthropology. They get so loaded because the people in these fields tend to have social agendas of their own that they try to slip into their model of human nature, and it gets worse when journalists use THAT to push their own agenda.

In psych class we watched this thing about beauty standards and the media that said we're influenced by them whether or not we want to be. Except for the fact I find average women more attractive than most models because I'm not into super tall lanky chicks that all look the same and no amount of advertising will change that.
Except for the fact I find average women more attractive than most models because I'm not into super tall lanky chicks that all look the same and no amount of advertising will change that.

You're really special, and far superior to all others.