The Worst Video Games Ever


Mar 2, 2007
Post video games you think were a complete waste of money and just sucked ass.
"Dead Man's Hand", after each task is completed you play poker. Probably the worst game I've ever played.

Star Trek: Hidden Evil, I love Star Trek, but this is probably one of the worst PC games ever made.
I'd say Fire Emblem for the GBA. Whats the point of playing an RPG when you can't even control your fighters?
IronStorm./World War Zero

Not really that it is that bad. It is a pretty bog standard FPS. It just had a pretty good concept of a story and setting, WW1 still being fought in the 1960s, so you think lots of great dirty brutal trench fighting.

But as I say, it is a bit ropey, the weapons are all a bit crap, for instance the pump action shotgun will only hit someone if you are right next to them. The automatic rifle is just simply not that good. Poison gas grenades are a nice, previously underused touch, but they are again a bit shit.

Basically it is a nice and original idea, made a bit crap by a over complicated storyline about a stock market gambling ring based on the soliders kills. How this would work, it does not seem to be clear.
Hopefully there may be a sequal which is better and more coherant.
Megaman Zero 3, got it when I was in around 5th grade. Completely sucked ass. Shorter storyline, and instead of getting forms (which were different armors that gave you different abilities) you had to read discs which sometimes contained armor parts which never did anything cool.

Also Children of Mana, I thought it would have lots of weapon and forging options and a long storyline with lots of leveling up and challege like the previous game Sword of Mana (I recommend getting it if you have a GBA or DS, its very entertaining) but instead you get a stupid short storyline, that had no challenge that you could run through in about a day.

Also Super Mario Advance 3. As much a fan of Super Mario I am I just don't like that game. Sure its fun the first couple of worlds but then it gets repetetive. Its the worst Mario game. The only cool thing in it is all the power ups. I liked Hammer Bros. Mode but you almost never got it, and by the time you get to the boss on the air ship you usually lose it. I played the game a couple years ago, maybe I'll like it now because I'm better at games now but I dunno.
Dead mans hand is not that bad. It is quite fun actually. A bit dogy with enemies vanishing from time to time, but the authentic and suprisingly varied guns and the neat little stereotype western touches add a level of humour and fun to it.

I dont like the fact that you have to start again from the start of every level if you die though.