Toronto: make some cash and see WoY in SSM by giving the drummer a ride!

As some of you know, I am now the drummer of Woods of Ypres, and now I have a small dilema:

I made some errors in my travel plans and I need a way to get from Toronto to Sault Ste. Marie this Monday afternoon, November 10th.

The drive is about 8 hours. You pick me up at the airport, we drive to the Soo, I pay for all the gas for your round trip, food on the way, plus I pay you a decent amount of cash on top of that for helping me out, which we'll agree on beforehand. Then you can see Woods of Ypres and Wolven Ancestry play in Sault Ste. Marie the following night, November 11th, if you want before you head home!

My other options at this point are just too ridiculously expensive. I'm easy to get along with and I'm not a creep, and it'd be cool to travel with someone who is A.) Canadian and B.) a Woods fan.

All you need to be is reliable and have a reliable car. If you commit to doing it, I'll be counting on you, as will the rest of WoY. I need to know for sure by Sunday afternoon. (sorry for the short notice) You'd be doing a solid for Woods, and it'd be totally metal! You can help me to get all northern and in the right mindset as we travel highways 17 & 69!!!

it'll be a lot of fun and you can make some cash + see a show!



"Y-Mads" is in the Dominion of Canada with legit paperwork approved by the government...and on his way, traveling westbound on highways 69, then 17 towards Sault Ste. Marie. Guy is a trooper, here for a good time, not a long time. It's been a lot of work just to get us to this point! It's a tight one, but we're gonna pull it off nicely. The first show is tomorrow night!