Under the Dome

King is a terrible writer, tell him I said so.
Whenever I see the book cover for Under the Dome (or even hear the title) I think of the Simpsons Movie.

He pretty much started sucking after his accident. I liked the earlier stuff when I was a kid. Haven't read the Dark Towers published after that with the exception of Wolves of the Calla.
The hatred stems from the fact that he sucks and all my life people have been trying to convince me otherwise. So I read another story and that too sucks. More time goes by and people say " oh, but you need to read (insert crappy book title) it is his best!" and then THAT one sucks.

Face it, he is a shitty writer.
He pretty much started sucking after his accident. I liked the earlier stuff when I was a kid. Haven't read the Dark Towers published after that with the exception of Wolves of the Calla.

The Dark Tower series is fairly decent. The last book seems to me like he rushed it.
The hatred stems from the fact that he sucks and all my life people have been trying to convince me otherwise. So I read another story and that too sucks. More time goes by and people say " oh, but you need to read (insert crappy book title) it is his best!" and then THAT one sucks.

Face it, he is a shitty writer.

He writes perfectly servicable short stories, but his novels do indeed suck. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and The Body are his best works IMO.
short stories ftw - night shift, skeleton crew. 'salems lot, too. i really haven't read as much of his stuff as i feel i "should have," but then i'm too busy with leisure horror authors and random horror fiction i pick up at thrift stores. lesser-known authors ftw!
I did see C. Dean Andersson's book in a store once. It was the basis for Bathory's "One Rode to Asa Bay" but I can't remember the name of it. Thought about getting it, but I decided on something slightly more literary because I felt like being a douchebag that day.
I'm not much of a horror reader but I enjoy what little Clive Barker I have read. I'm also a fan of a little known Thai author who writes under the name S.P. Somtow. He's done vampires (contemporary with, but much nastier than Rice's weepy, effeminate bullshit), werewolves in the old west, zombies in the civil war, and a couple excellent short story collections. It's all fairly hard to find in print nowadays.
I never really got too much into the urban horror/fantasy stuff, but it seems to be pretty big business now. I'm surprised nobody has tapped the Anita Blake IP for a movie or TV series yet.
I don't know. Things that seem fresh in some other medium often seem stale and overdone when they get put on film.

Case in point. Resident Evil. Games were awesome. I waited for years to see that movie come out and when it finally did, it was a crock of shit, and I said so quite loudly.
Video game to movie translations are pretty much always a crock of shit though, aren't they? I guess the only worse thing is movie to video game translations. Or video game to movie to video game translations. Street Fighter 2: The Movie: The Game anyone?