Voting - Best German DeathMetal Band

I'm of the opinion that death metal and Germany are mutually exclusive concepts . . .

Germany's made far greater contributions to THRASH metal, IMHO!

Last listening to: Dew Scented
Deathgrinder said:
Poll @ - at the first site right bottom...

He man, we had Morgoth haha
now we still have some very cool Death acts.
Yeah, and Blind Guardian haha

And Agathadaimon :wave:
Morgoth were a death metal band -- not a bad one, either.

But you guys consider Agathodaimon death metal?
I'd classify them more black

And Blind Guardian?
Total Power Metal (another genre the Germans do better than 90% of the world -- can you say PRIMAL FUCKING FEAR!?!)

Still listening to Dew Scented, in my head!!
Olli (Guitar) from Fleshcrawl writing!
Good to know that you like our stuff, hehe....

At the moment we´re writing new material for the new album, which will be released in early 2004.

Recordingsessions are scheduled to the last 3 weeks of november 2003, Studio Underground, Vesteras / Sweden.

So, if some of you live near this place, we could have a good time during the sessions, hehe.

Hey Olli, I had no idea you were in Væsterås soon...that's some great shit. I also rated you a ten on Metal or Not :lol:
Oh, he Olli... really a lot of people here (; How are you?

Morgoth still rules, but they are no longer ):
Hope they don't even try to reunite this days...

@TexunNYC: Man, that was not really meant serious...
Agathodaimon are Black and Blind Guardian Speed Power Shit.

Does anybody know Battlesword from Ger(No)Money -
they are some kind of Amon-copy...?
hm...dunno any german metal bands :oops:
but german thrash really rocks, sodom for example. uncle tom rules ;)
my only really death experience is amon amarth so far...any1 got other great bands? somebody said that nile is great, heard the first 9 seconds and began to laugh because...k i think they suck :oops:
Nile sucks... then you die haha
You fucking heretic... Nile are gods!
If you want more melodic stuff try Hypocrisy, Edge of sanity etc.

Prost mein Freund und vote einfach für die Band mit dem coolsten Namen (;
Please DO try Edge of Sanity, they're one of my favorite Swedish DM bands. Go with Unorthodox, that's landmark!
sounds nice so far, but there are strange sounds in the songs ("tock tock"), perhaps because i load the songs with kazaa...any1 got a better source(apart from buying. i buy only if i like it ;) )?