Welcome, if you\'re new or returned, post here!

It's been cleared out or something, right? Lots less posts than there used to be.


Lefay rule, posts or no posts.

np - SOS
Yay!!! Welcome back, dear! Glad you could make it. Any shows coming up soon? Even though I KNOW none of them would be in the US, I'll still ask for the others in here. hehehe Plus if I may end up moving to Gothenburg next summer, I want to know the probability of see Lefay finally play LIVE!!! :p
Originally posted by Gaunerin
hehe.....so you're back as well Ex-Primoris ;)
Would like to share why you changed your nick?

Well, I have seens looong time ago always used "Heavy M" at forums and such. But when I signed up here I couldn´t for some reason, so I just took another nickname insteed. And awhile ago I got a new computer and the cookie at this forum got fucked up so I couldn´t write anything. So I took back "Heavy M", this time without any problems (accept getting it acctive) :)
Ahh... cool.

There needs to be a mass shift in the number of people posting here :) I think lefay needs a new album, and a bit more exposure. AND they need to come to oz :D

...That is, if they are still together and whatnot....! I try to keep out of the politics of bands and stuff, i'm in it for the music, not the fanboy knowledge :D

They should be happy to know that i've converted a few people... three people in fact, LOVE lefay now... one of them went from a techno guy to a long haired nevermore and opeth fan :D

If anyone needs me, i'll be at the nevermore board.
Originally posted by Trapped
I think lefay needs a new album, and a bit more exposure.

these are not only your thoughts :D

They should be happy to know that i've converted a few people... three people in fact, LOVE lefay now... one of them went from a techno guy to a long haired nevermore and opeth fan :D

hehe....keep up the good work! :D