What are you doing right nao?

Last time I wanted to do half marathon I hurt my foot and almost froze to death while waddling back home.

Just saw a photo of 2 "important people" from polish ministry of defence. I feel fucking safe being guarded by weaboo and a pig

Thats the only thing I can mutter every day when I open news sites and hear about the shit going down here.
Went on a run. Since the weather was 1/10, howling wind and freezing rain GPS in pokemonGO didnt work so decided to try out this Geocaching things.

Best decision of my life. it was scary as fuck, havent seen human being or a car for like 1,5 hours, was freezing, the falling branch almost hit me, took me a while to find a cache since I had only a clue where to look for it and it was dark as fuck and my flashlight was running out of batteries.
Eventually found it, hads lots of fun, 9/10 would almost die again.
Spent like 200USD or more for fucking paints and I cant paint for shit.
Oh well, at least I ahve shit to do painting my dwarves:
Because today the exchange rate USD - PLN is literally 1 to 4 so it's easy to count lol.

And yes, I did. I'm alone so at least I have my models to talk to and "dress" them however I want.
Downside is, im currently painting Dwarf Dragon Slayer. He's 80 % naked. I should be painting sexy chick's booties, not dwarven asses :(
Okay, I am pretty sure that either we are just a fucking simulation or I possess useless random future prediction skills.

So I went on a run, went back and had a random though "I forgot to turn my PC off, what if my cousin showed up in the meantime, brother let him in and he used my PC out of boredom?".
I havent seen my cousin for half a year.

15 minutes later, a ringbell.


A fucking cousin is in front of my door for a random visit.
At this point its too fucking spooky 5 me