What are you listening to?

Three-part harmony is nice. Judging by comments in interviews, it may be actual three-part as well: Mikael, Fredrik, Joakim. Think this round of touring will continue the proggy vibe and interplay, with some brutality in the encores.
It's Pale Communion Day, so I'm listening to Opeth. Went with digital download again. Not as aesthetically pleasing as a CD or vinyl, but easier on the environment and it sounds just as good given the limitations of my stereo equipment, and much better than the album stream. Still on my first playthrough but I'm impressed by the mix. Everything has a nice balance and you can hear everyone in the band and what they are contributing to the whole. If I had to quibble, I'd like the mix just a little less warm and wet with a bit more air and room for the sound, but there's nothing wrong with the Steve Wilson's mix, that's just a matter of taste.

Is it just me, or has Opeth drifted away from composing their songs around guitar riffs? I'm hearing more keyboard motifs and longer, melodic progressions that punctuate the movement. It also seems to me that while there are no moments (so far) that compel me to bang my head, that does not for a moment mean that the album lacks drive. The upbeat sections all propel themselves along nicely and the slower moments stretch out without dragging.

I think The Quietus nailed it in their review. I won't go so far as to call Pale Communion a masterpiece, but it is a sublime album that shows Opeth as a working group on the top of their game with a lot of good music still to come.

And for those who miss the brutality, they can always put their hopes in the next album from In Mourning.
I tried buying a physical copy - I am oldfashioned and if I'm going to give money, I will give it for something I can actually hold in my hands - but couldn't find it in neither of the three record stores in Sofia. A bit annoying, really, considering that Roadrunner Records do have an official distributor for Bulgaria.
So much for combating "piracy".
I have grain for two more batches of beer already, but after that I'm thinking about coming up with something I'll call "Ale Communion." Think it will be a dark I.P.A with a bit of rye in the recipe to add some spice to the finish. :kickass:
If you still haven't found it by mid-September, let me know. ;)

Thanks, will have that in mind.
It seems that the shipment with the CDs has been sitting in customs since Monday and no one bothered to go and pick it up. It's supposed to be in the stores on Friday.
A friend who used to work for the distributor phoned and asked. They were a bit shocked that someone's asking - "We haven't sent an official press release about the album." - Well, darling, strange as it may seem, there are people who are interested in this kind of music and tend to look for stuff when it comes out with the idea of actually giving you money for it.
Anyway... Will check if it's in the stores already sometime next week after I come back from the seaside.

BTW, Dom Lawson, of Metal Hammer fame, has written a review for the Guardian. "Faith in Others, which is at once the most profoundly moving song Åkerfeldt has ever written, and a tantalising glimpse into one possible future for this peerless band."
Couldn't agree more!
You're in good company, Trin:

"The new Opeth album Pale Communion was mixed into stereo and 5.1 at my studio in February. I also sang harmony vocals. It’s by no stretch of the imagination a metal record but it’s still plenty heavy and a great piece of work – for me the epic orchestrated ballad “Faith in Others” that closes the album is Mikael’s finest achievement to date." - Steven Wilson

Found this originally in 2013 and lost it in the flood of new albums. Found it again as the band prepares to release a new album.
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Of Wings Unfolding by Skein, a concept album about fear and a man's survival in modern western society. Quality The Ocean/Riverside/Ghost Brigade hybrid from Finland, highly recommended!