What are your favorite nostalgia albums?

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
You know, the ones you listen to more for warm fuzzy memories of the past than for the actual quality of the music (even if the music is actually good)? I imagine we all have a few albums we come back to from time to time for their connection to special times in our lives.

After seeing Andy's post I realize that this will probably be cooler if people talk about what is special about each album, so I'll do that for mine:

Paul van Dyk - Return of God!
* Probably the first electronic music album I ever got into, and not only does it remind me of my time in my freshman dorm at college but also of nighttime adventures around Richmond with roommates and basically living in a city for the first time. The atmosphere of this album pretty much embodies for me the mood of being downtown in a city at night.

Music From the Succubus Club (mix album)
* I listened to this a lot in late high school, back when I was doing pen and paper RPGs (especially Vampire), and this album reminds me of my brief minglings with the Goth crowd (including some very strange people) and basically the beginning of my fascination with gothic aesthetics.

VNV Nation - Empires
* I was introduced to this by a close friend during my second year of college, and it reminds me a lot of his personality and the time we spent hanging out and getting to know each other back then. I remember a few times we listened to it while riding around in his car at night, which seemed like the perfect atmosphere for the music.

Opeth - entire discog pretty much, but especially Damnation
* Reminds me of wandering around old neighborhoods in Richmond alone and soaking in the weather at various times of the year, especially Spring. I also listened to it once during a long drive across Virginia during a snowy night, which was amazing. Seems to resonate with many times of isolation/solitude in my life.

The Who - Who's Next
* Early childhood, because my dad listened to it a lot. Not many specific memories (aside from maybe some family cookouts, which were awesome), but it definitely brings back this sense of carefreedom and optimism that I felt a lot more often when I was younger.

DevilDriver - DevilDriver
* Reminds me again of early college when I was first discovering metal, and just a lot of carefree moments from back then, like driving around town with the album blasting from my rolled-down windows.

I predict that Opeth will be on a lot of people's lists, as it seems to be in the nature of the band.
Staind - Dysfunction (not really a fan but brings back memories, damn)
Tool - anything really (reminds me of middle school)
Soilwork - Figure Number Five (still love it to death)
The Used - The Used (one of the first albums on which I could tolerate anything "harsh", vocally)
Beck - Odelay (first album I owned)
Nirvana - pretty much the whole discography (first favorite band, and what got me into music)
Metallica - RTL and MoP (basically the two first metal albums I ever heard)
Opeth - Orchid (what got me into more extreme types of music, around early 8th grade)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk (what got me into black metal which was at the end of 8th grade)
Weezer - The Blue Album
Tears For Fears - Various songs, not really a discography (this and Weezer basically opened me back up to non metal music, that and my parents played TFF when I was really young so it's nostalgic that way as well)
Tool - anything really (reminds me of middle school)

I was going to say Tool. Aenima reminds me always, for some reason, of playing Rush 2049 on Nintendo 64. That game's futuristic settings, combined with the dark sci-fi element of Tool, was a defining factor of my upbringing. :cool:


Meat Puppets- Too High to Die (in high school my band and I loved this album)
HIM- Love Metal (still have a soft spot for these guys; gay, I know)
Live- Throwing Copper (love the actual music, but this will always remind me of hanging out with friends in high school)
Orgy- Vapor Transmission (had a few good burns to this record)
Pretty much anything by:

Billy Idol
Motley Crue
Pink Floyd
The Doors
Led Zeppelin
Jimi Hendrix
Black Sabbath (Ozzy era)
The Ramones
Joy Division
The Velvet Underground
Alice In Chains
Rollins Band
Earlier Slayer albums
Earlier Metallica albums
Earlier Megadeth albums
Early NIN

I would say TOOL, but I still listen to them on a regular basis, the rest of the list is grade school through high school years. I still listen to all of it, just on a less regular basis.
Orgy- Vapor Transmission (had a few good burns to this record)

Did you ever listen to Zermancer? I almost put Eurotrash on my list but I haven't actually listened to it since the time period in which my nostalgia for it originates.
Mighty Mighty Bosstones - entire discography up through Live From the Middle East...first band I really got into. This and Metallica pretty much got me through middle school
Depeche Mode- Ultra
Radiohead - Kid A

Depeche Mode because every time me and my dad would go snowboarding,we'd listen to that album. Very happy memories

Kid A because everytime I listen to it I get an overwhelming sensation of Japan and all the good times.
Queen- Greatest Hits(vol. 1)- this was an irremovable fixture during my teen years, and pretty much got me interested in music.

Andrew Lloyd Webber&Tim Rice-Jesus Christ Superstar-same as above.

Cadaver-...In Pains-got me into old-school death. Still the best.

Metallica-...And Justice for All- the soundtrack of my highschool/uni years.

Metallica-Ride the Lightning(first metal album)
Metallica - Kill 'Em All: brings back memories of childhood. My mother got me the cassette for my 10th birthday. I don't know why she was so laid back about that stuff when I was so young (probably because I'm such a stubborn bastard that I would've gotten my hands on that album anyway) but boy am I glad she was. Whenever I hear a song from that album it takes me right back to that age.

Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk: I don't have as high an opinion of this album as I used to but I still like it. This was basically the soundtrack to my life when I was 13 years old. This was, perhaps not coincidentally, the age at which I first became highly alienated from my peers.

Dinosaur Jr. - Ear-Bleeding Country: This is more recent and a bit of an oddball choice for me. I actually really like this band, and my gf and I always listen to this when we take a drive from Portland to Seattle, so it brings back memories of those trips whenever I listen to it. I am a huge pussy.
Gorillaz - Gorillaz, that's my childhood really, then some czech punk bands and a czech folk band J.A.R., I might name Lou Bega, Uncle Kracker I remember out of those international pop artists, then I kinda started getting into alcohol, smoking and lame metal (generally being a bastard prick) and then I realized that I like good metal better. First metal albums I liked those years back were some newer Iron Maiden, Hammerfall, Sepultura and Nuclear Assault, particularily the Out of Order album, it was a bit more punky which I still like (but not the new Darkthroney punky, not that). So yeah, I'd call these a nostalgia music, but I rarely do listen to them anymore.
Ya, Metallica rules. They bring back a ton of memories of my middle school through high school days. Metallica is the favorite band of me and two of my best friends. So whenever we weren't in school we were jamming to some Metallica tunes and fucking off doing whatever. Great times.

All the grunge/alternative music from the early through mid 90's. It reminds me of when I was living in Florida. I miss Florida. :(

Motley Crue's entire discography because they were me and my dad's "band."
Dinosaur Jr. - Ear-Bleeding Country: This is more recent and a bit of an oddball choice for me. I actually really like this band, and my gf and I always listen to this when we take a drive from Portland to Seattle, so it brings back memories of those trips whenever I listen to it. I am a huge pussy.

D Jr. is pretty cool dude, don't be embarrassed of that :p
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

That King Crimson album holds a special place in my heart. I have been listening to this album for full 18 years I have been alive. My dad is a big fan of King Crimson so he would play that album about 3 times a week. I figure that I have heard that album at least 3000 times. I still make an effort to listen to that album twice a week. This is one of two albums that I can listen to over and over but never get bored or disinterested.( the other being Hvis Lyset Tar Oss) Even though my musical taste has changed from when I was younger, I still love this album.

Limp Bizkit - Significant Other

This album reminds me of my grade school days. Starting with 6th grade and continuing though my Freshman year, this was one of my favorite albums. Even though now I realize that this album is not very good, sometimes I put it on just for the nostalgia.

Wormed - Planisphaerium

This is a really strange story. One day during my Freshman year my friend sent me a link to this song. I had never heard anything like this, but for some reason I was hooked. This album was my first true metal album.
Sisters Of Mercy - Floodland

I would hear this damn album all the time as a kid because my parents were huge fans
Tool, Opeth, and Metallica were basically my rotation until I'd heard of like more than 8 metal bands, so I guess those.
Nirvana - Nevermind
Probably one of my first CDs ever. I remember being a little shit and bugging my guitar teacher at the time to teach me how to play that intro to Inbloom and Smells Like Teen Spirit. To this day I still enjoy attempting to sing along to it when ever I'm drunk with my friends.

Metallica - Ride the Lightning & Master of Puppets
These were the albums of which I learnt on guitar in its entirety and learnt how to improvise and solo over. I remember meeting my other guitarist, Gavin, when I was 15 as I was playing to creeping death. Both of us have become good friends since then.

Mansun - Six
One of my favourite Brit-pop bands ever. Amazing progressions and very emotional. I have to thank my sister for it, she was the one who got me into music. Can't stand it as much now because of the extremely whiny voice.

Opeth - Blackwater Park
I remember hearing this and thinking to myself, "How can anyone not like Opeth?" It was my favourite album for a long time until I discovered better music.

Decapitated - Winds of Creation
The album that got me into extreme metal. Sure there were those melodic bands like Inflames pre R2R albums, and those were good and fun to listen to. But I remember downloading samples of Blessed and Winds of Creation when my Internet connection was only a dialup 33.13k modem. I felt like I was hit over the head with a brick, it was awesome. Still one of my favourite albums ever.

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice
I remember hearing it and thinking that this was so evil sounding, I didn't quite grasp it. After many listens the whole album just grew on me quite easily. Also, this was my best friend's favourite album, who passed away 5 years ago.
Early Childhood:
Kiss - Destroyer
Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil
Van Halen - I and II
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Pink Floyd - The Wall and Dark Side Of The Moon
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Prince - Purple Rain

Preteen/early teens:
Metallica - Everything up to the black album
Public Enemy - Fear Of A Black Planet
N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton
Faith No More - Angel Dust
Guns 'N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction
Slayer - RIB and SITA

Late Teens/early adulthood:
KoRn - S/T
Nirvana - All
Soundgarden - All
Alice In Chains - All
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Type O Negative - Slow, Deep, and Hard and Bloody Kisses
Deicide - Once Upon The Cross
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Dr. Dre - The Chronic

Early - mid 20's
Emperor - All
Dimmu Borgir - EDT, SBD, PEM
Cradle Of Filth - DAHE, CATB
In Flames - Clayman
Slipknot - S/T
Morbid Angel - All

There's so many more, but that's a short list.