What Genre Would You Class Katatonia As?


Dead By Xmas
Feb 5, 2003
most people i speak to have a different opinion on what genre of music katatonia are classed as,
what would you say?
damn,quite hard to define...

i'd say that the OLD katatonia is somekind of melodic doom/dark/pagan metal with harsh vocals,
-i would not dare to call it black metal , even though they used to paint their faces... -

...and the new is somekind of dynamic goth/doom/dark metal, with lots of influences: swedish death, hard rock, - the dreaded - NU metal, hard core, alternative rock...

but this is definitely true:
katatonia plays a very unique metal style :headbang:
Most people I've spoken with don't consider Katatonia metal anymore... more of like a progressive rock band.... but I'd still say they're metal and as previously mentioned...Katatonia is Katatonia...
rob halford is ballz, he in fact actually licks balls,

getting back to topic,i know they are individual, most bands are, except those who try to be other people, to sell big time,
i wasnt questioning that, just what genre they are classed as
Genre classification is occasionally a good reference when attempting to generalize a particular band's sound. However, more often than not, it becomes a huge delimiter and can restrict progression. This is clearly the case with Katatonia as they have transcended the boundaries of many sub-genres to get where they are at now. I would say they started off as blackened melodic death metal to the shoegazer metal of LFDGD and now, Christ I don't know. VE to me is many genres wrapped into one, but if I had to say one category, which I can't, I would say classy nu-metal meets depressive doom(Paradise Lost doom that is; compare "Inside The City of Glass" closer to the closer "Deus Misereatur" from Icon).
Most people I've spoken with don't consider Katatonia metal anymore... more of like a progressive rock band

PMSL! Erm....no! There are so many styles of rock and metal, it's hard to pigeon hole bands anymore unless they sound quite traditional in a certain genre.