Whats Simpsons Hit and Run like Spawn?

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
I know you have a cube, but I have a box, and the game should be pretty similar on both. Is it any good? What are the graphics like? I've heard its pretty repetitive though. I have never played a decent simpsons game.

I might buy a new game in the next week or so and dont know what to get. Last 2 games I got were Top Spin and NRL. Both are great. Top Spin has awesome graphics and feel to it, and its so much fun 4 player. NRL is tops 2 player. Have had some close games so far, only had it for a few days though.

There is a new Star Wars game called Jedi Outcast out at the moment. I might get that. I like Star Wars, but havnt been able to find any reviews of it.
It is quite repetitive, if you are a big fan of the tv series you will probably like it because theres heaps of in jokes and stuff, but id say theres better games to get, its not that bad though. Not Jedi Outcast though, that sucks ass.
I am with Koich on this one, the 'box is just a big piece of crap.

What Spawn said about Hit and Run is right, it is one of the best Simpsons games, and if you are a big fan you will like it for that reason, but there is better games around if you just want a new game. If you are after a Star Wars game for the XBOX, go Knights Of The Old Republic, I wouldn't bother with any others.
I already have Knights of the Old Republic. It is a fantastic game, but not really my cup of tea. Too much talking and picking combos and RPG stuff. I like to just press A when I wanna open a can o whoop ass... Not pause, select weapon, select skill and agility points, select target, select bullshit.
There is also a new Return of da King out on Box. Wonder if that is any good.

I am a huge simpsons fan, but dont think I will buy that game. Sounds a little repetitive and the kinda game that is funny at first, annoying after that
I've heard Return of the King is great! I haven't played any of the Lord of the Rings games yet.

And I'm talking PS2, not none of your gaybo X Box and Gamecube things.