Would this be a good start for a beginner?

FuneralPortrait said:
What??? I've always played a lot of instruments, and found that I learnt a lot faster on all of them when I was learning more than one at a time. (All very different instruments as well) If you're going 20 times slower I'd say just concentrate on one, it's a lot better to play one instrument proficiently than a lot of instruments terribly.

yeah at first it was a crapload easier to play guitar since i knew piano but now that ive taken up violin and flute and bass its becoming alot harder.. maybe i should just concentrate on one. which one though?
in_absentia said:
yeah at first it was a crapload easier to play guitar since i knew piano but now that ive taken up violin and flute and bass its becoming alot harder.. maybe i should just concentrate on one. which one though?
It all sort of depends on what you're trying to do, right? Are you trying to be proficient, or do actually want to master an instrument? It seems to me that bass is enough like guitar that you can easily focus on those two. Violin and flute require a different set of skills that will probably keep you from advancing more in your studies of bass and guitar. Which is fine if you're the kind of person who wants to be able to play a lot of instruments moderately well.