You on Youtube

I have one, but the only videos I have up where from this time I was drunk with some friends a few years ago, and one was eating sheppards pie, so when he went out for a smoke the rest of us just doused it in salt for the lulz of it. Which then errupted in mass fury of this friend ranting for nearly an hour, screaming at us over the salt. Going on about how his "arteries" were literally hurting, how bad salt is for you, and how dangerous it was to give him too much salt. At one point he screamed he would rather be pissed on than eat salt, because piss is harmless, its just gross.

So yeah, no point in putting my account up here, especially since I dont remember the name of it.
I had an account on youtube, but got tired of all these stupid comments "waht amp are u using, what guitar are you using, what pick are you using blablablablabla,why you pick so hard, why do you wear that shirt, blablabla, what chair are you sitting on, blablabla. EVEN WHEN IT'S IN THE FUCKING DESCRIPTION OF THE VIDEO. I'm not interested in hearing what faggots all around the world thinks about my guitarplaying. I know I'm a decent guitarist and I don't want poser metalcore emo kids from USA asking me to do avenged sevenfold covers.

I know I need to ignore these retards, but it's just so fucking annoying when you spent time learning and covering something, and all comments you get is useless shit from random trolls.