You on Youtube

I've been asked that one many times.
Bitches be jealous of my leather chair :cool:


But-at-the-same-time-I-don't-want-some-epic-chair-for-guitar-playing...damn-arms-of-the-chair-always-get-in-the-way...I-suppose-I-could-get-an-armless-leather-chair-but-I'd-hate-to-spend-cash-on-a-nice-chair-and-not-have-it-be-full-awmness-with-arms-lol. What-a-dilemma...
I'm sitting on a blue plastic chair very similar to the ones that are attached to desk's at schools... Needless to say it is uncomfortable as fuck and when it gets hot my ass sticks to it -.-
This thread is apparently now about what chair you are sitting on.

Leather chair here!

And about those youtube comments, dude, seriously, if you can't handle that I don't know what to say.
Yes I get them too "HOW DID U GET PINSTRIPES ON UR JS30RR?!" all the fucking time, so annoying.
I mean, they looked at your video, and posted a comment, a question. Some people are too stupid to read other comments/description.
But I still answer them as a thanks for giving me a view.

But-at-the-same-time-I-don't-want-some-epic-chair-for-guitar-playing...damn-arms-of-the-chair-always-get-in-the-way...I-suppose-I-could-get-an-armless-leather-chair-but-I'd-hate-to-spend-cash-on-a-nice-chair-and-not-have-it-be-full-awmness-with-arms-lol. What-a-dilemma...

Arms part is true. I have an office-kind of chair and it's quite nice, but wheels and arms drive me nuts for playing, particularly when I'm trying to learn a difficult part and all I want is the guitar to stand still and not move. But what can I do? Cut is not an option :lol: