"YOUR ONTARIO TOWN..." now playing at bravewords.com + offer to Ontario Residents!

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

See the new Knuckletracks audio player on the left side.


The offer: If you live in Ontario (or anywhere else in the world actually*), send a self addressed and stamped envelope to:

"Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground"
c/o David Gold
44 Poplar Ave
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6B 2W7

I'll mail you back an assortment of "Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground" bumper stickers (nice BIG ones, legible from far, far away!) and some not so big ones, for your guitar, and whatever other giveaway swag I might have in my hands at the moment, etc...

*If residing outside of Ontario, please just ensure you have enough postage.

Promote this song! :) Thanks and see you in the mail!


David Gold - \w/
Automatic win, no? If you have any little Woods of Ypres pins, that would be amazing, I'd love to have one for my backpack :p Not picky though. The big Woods of Ypres sticker on the back of my guitar could use another friend, haha

Edit: Hey DG, before I forget, I think the answer is no, but do you have any WoY toques left? Already seems like the days are getting shorter, and I was reminded that I need to get me one of those :p
Edit: Hey DG, before I forget, I think the answer is no, but do you have any WoY toques left? Already seems like the days are getting shorter, and I was reminded that I need to get me one of those

I do have Woods toques available, but just a few.


$20, shipping included, via paypal to: woodsofypres@hotmail.com or regular mail to the address above.
btw - sending me a 'Self Addresses and Stamped' envelope, means you mail me an envelope INSIDE of an envelope which is addressed back to YOU, with a stamp on it (so I don't pay the postage here, YOU do!).

You self address an envelope, put a stamp on it, put it in another envelope addressed to me, mail it to me then I mail you back the goods.

Hey DG, if I buy a toque and Woods II off you, do I still have to do a self addressed envelope? :p I'm hoping to be able to do that. Do you have any WoY buttons left? I've got an Ontario Town bumper sticker, and a WoY sticker (on the back of my guitar), and I'd love to throw a WoY button/pin on my backpack, if you have any. Plus of course any other random stuff you're wanting to get rid of :p Haha.
^ Cheers. I'm hoping to have an order for a toque and Woods II in any time, I'll let you know when its on its way :)
Awesome, this is rocking! If you haven't yet, please send me your envelopes! Let's keep this going!

A realization: the bigger the envelope you send me (w/ sufficient postage of course) the more stuff I tend to send you. Stacks of "Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground" bumper stickers do no good sitting in a box in my home. Help me get them out there!

Send your self addressed and stamped (posted) envelopes to:

c/o D.G.
44 Poplar Ave
SSM, On, P6B 2W7

Thanks! + See you in the mail!

DG - \w/
Hey Dave, officially sent out my order this morning :kickass: Seeing as you're leaving soon, and its the weekend and a stat holiday Monday, I realize you won't be able to send the stuff out until you get back, so try and save me one! See you here in London on the 5th!