Zeitgeist - The Movie!!!

Of course they are at least a little socialist.

Too many people in the world (or at least mainly in America) have been brainwashed to think that communism/socialism are such bad things. This is all so that everyone will support capitalism hands down, no questions asked. Marxist theory suggests that the next evolution in our society will eventually be communism, and this is a good thing not bad. Throughout history, all the leaders/dictators that had created such horrid communistic societies did not do it the right way. Karl Marx said it correctly himself. You cannot force communism on society through force and fear, rather it must come into society naturally (through the process that was theorized by Marx). Capitalism is not all bad and is even a requirement for communism to work. This is because capitalism must come first and is also doomed to eventually fail. There is only so much money to go around, and when (general estimate) only 20% of people control about 80% of the money through monopolization, there is a problem. The government keeps putting its hand in the economy all in hopes to keep capitalism afloat. American capitalism is built around the idea that everyone has the potential to get rich if they work hard enough, they have the right to "pursue happiness". So the 20% of people who have about 80% of the money are richer than any person needs to be while they keep themselves from feeling guilty all because they think that people who are poor just aren't working hard enough to live the American dream. This isn't true, they just got lucky by being able to get into the game early and taking advantage of the monopolization opportunities in their respective industries.

The main point is that all of these "horrible" communistic societies that have existed in history are nothing to go by in understanding communism/socialism. They only turned out so bad because their leaders tried to skip steps in the evolution process. You cannot ignore the process and force it on society.

Exactly. Alot of people have basically been brainwashed to believe that capitalism will get you the best services at the best price. Theoretically it's possible, but hey, so is complete communism. Bashing one form of government because it's different is nothing less than ignorance. There's always going to be a few people controlling every industry, that's just the way it is no matter what kind of government you have capitalist or not.
Exactly. Alot of people have basically been brainwashed to believe that capitalism will get you the best services at the best price. Theoretically it's possible, but hey, so is complete communism. Bashing one form of government because it's different is nothing less than ignorance. There's always going to be a few people controlling every industry, that's just the way it is no matter what kind of government you have capitalist or not.

Thanks for the compliment....although....I don't think this is the best thread to revive hehe...
razoredge said:
because someone says "you people" or because they were a hard ass to work for, well you know what built this world ? iron willed, hard asses, not a bunch of mamsie pansies, sitting around saying "we cant do this because these people over here will be offended, and we cant do that becuse those people over there will be offended"..... so decades go by and nothing ever changes... but we are a politically correct society of sheep, and the mice are building nests and pissing and shitting in our clock..... the world according to my wicked edgyness.... lol! It aint all bad

heh... :heh:

1) I voted for Perot

2) I think the last part of Razor's post REALLY hits home with me. If we didn't have the hardasses to kickstart this country when needed (Like NOW!)
we'd be fuhkt.
What's up with the thread necromancy as of late?

Anyhow, I've always been a supporter of the Venus Project's ideals. I don't buy into any unsubstantiated conspiracy theories though.
What's up with the thread necromancy as of late?

Anyhow, I've always been a supporter of the Venus Project's ideals. I don't buy into any unsubstantiated conspiracy theories though.

So, are you marxist:D?

BTW, you will love Zeitgeist Moving Forward with talks about how great the Venus Project is and all that jazz.
If it has to be presented in the form of a video, chances are its sugar content is off the scale. Got to keep the masses placated I suppose, one way or another. I've never given two shits about politically motivated infomercials. Prefer to do my own thinking. Suppose I already wrote that the last time this thread got reanimated.
So, are you marxist:D?

Actually no. I'm a capitalist, but not too much. ;) Don't worry, I am not infected by the typical American Marxism-phobia (no offense fellow Yankees). I just happen to believe more in Conscious Capitalism, but one that is in harmony with people and the earth (making it one that I don't see currently being applied). So until we are evolved enough to advance toward a non-money-based system, this is what I personally see as the right thing for us. A free non-government-owned economy that does not impose limits upon human potential, and yet is driven by more than just primitive and inconsiderate greed.

I believe our political and economic systems as they currently stand won't work forever and will sooner or later fail. When they do (or before, but I don't think people are that smart), we will need healthier alternatives if we want to survive as a race. The Venus Project is merely one possible vision with many ideas that I find interesting, and ideals that happen to reflect my own. If somebody has a different, well thought out, and elaborate-enough vision, feel free to share.

It would certainly be interesting to see if we'll ever make it to the next step in our evolution (or what Michio Kaku would call a "type 1 civilization", that's another interesting way to look at it) because the dangers and obstacles are indeed quite substantial. Ideas such as the gradual dissolution of nationalism down the road do and will see tremendous resistance by the real "terrorists": the people who have no interest in seeing humans live together despite their rich differences even if they're CAPABLE of doing so. There are too many ridiculous barriers separating and opposing peoples, causing unnecessary wars, and benefiting only the governments that instill them to serve their political agendas. So much that their removal will sooner or later become vital.

I would understand if people wouldn't take these futuristic visions seriously or shout "Communism!" or "New World Order!" or whatever silly conspiracy theory/religious/patriotic/etc. things they can come up with, just as I wouldn't be surprised if European people from the early middle ages would find the idea of a European Union preposterous, or the idea of some open and global "internet" absurd if not dangerous.

I've never given two shits about politically motivated infomercials. Prefer to do my own thinking.


I don't care much about those documentaries either and I pretty much ignore anything I find out to be "politically motivated" and/or unsubstantiated. My support for the Venus Project is merely ideological, stemming simply from the fact that many of their ideals reflect mine, which by the way are already established with or without the Venus Project.
Those kind of things are strictly based on imagination and not facts. I don't take fiction seriously. Main ideas behind Zeitgeist and Venus Project are very similar to the communistic ideology, so it should be no wonder that people say it's the same. No small details make up for the commie backbone. "Soup and kolkhozes for everyone" is getting a bit old, don't you think? I want real, solid facts instead of an ideology based on assumptions.

It would greatly stall the development of the mankind or even bring it to a total standstill if people wouldn't have to strive for better quality of life.
Sep, you're making the mistake of assuming that every current government mankind has is the same as America's, or are even ideal-case capitalism. There are many models currently implemented, as vastly different as government by consensus to government by attachment to the person of the monarch. Your claim that deviation from capitalism would bring humanity to a standstill is a gross error of assertion of facts.
I don't believe you can draw that kind of conclusion from what I just said.

I haven't said anything strictly about capitalism, and even less about the American government. Why would I be that interested in the American government anyways? I merely stated my opinion about the extreme that these ideologies aim for.