Kamelot announces new Singer

Don't worry, Tommy will not leave Seventh Wonder!

Official statements from Tommy and Seventh Wonder will be posted today.

was about to say that would suck!

First Into Eternity now SW...

but I hope in the down time he can continue in his own band... Double duty on a Kamelot tour would just be insane for anyone's voice..
What's not true about it? The Kamelot appearance At Progpower was supposed to be the one of the first shows for the tour, if I remember correctly. So the statement is true.

The canceled tour was supposed to be the North American leg of the Pandemonium 2010 tour, not 2011. (The 2011 tour to which it's referring had it's own NA segment).

Maybe in wake of the cancellation they just decided to count it as part of the next year's schedule, I dunno. It doesn't really matter, I wasn't seriously suggesting it should be corrected. I just thought it would be a good plug for the festival that we saw the preview well before anyone else.
Official Seventh Wonder statement regarding the news that Tommy joins Kamelot:

"We are very happy for Tommy and for this great opportunity for him to reach an even greater audience with his amazing voice and talent. We understand that this will affect Seventh Wonder in some way, but we are dead set on continuing on our path as we have before and we feel confident that we will be able to honor the expectations of our fans and at the same time not impede Tommy in his duties towards Kamelot. Hopefully this will lead to positive things for both Kamelot and Seventh Wonder fans alike."

-Andreas, Johan, Kyrrt, Stefan.

Hi everyone!

It is not a secret that I have been in close contact with the Kamelot crew for some time now. I played with them on Progpower 2010 and I joined them on the european part of the tour in the spring of 2011. I learned a lot from this experience and had a great time together with the guys. Of course musically it is a bit different from the SW style but to me, that is also what makes it ...interesting and challenging. Over the past months I have come to love the music and the vibe of the band and when I finally and officially was asked to join as the singer and full blown member of Kamelot I was very happy and gladly accepted! This is something I am really proud of and something I am looking forward to making my own. However I do want to say this... and this is very important to me...
I will not leave Seventh Wonder!
The SW guys and all of you fantastic and supportive fans out there will not get rid of me so easily!
I love you all and you are the reason I got to where I am today! We are already working on some stuff for the next SW album and really can`t wait to show it to you all!

Yours truly,

Tommy Karevik

When I saw the announcement, my heart dropped, as I thought "He's leaving Seventh Wonder?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOO!!!!!"

Because while the idea of Tommy singing for Kamelot quadruples my interest in Kamelot (or more), I still would MUCH rather see him stay in Seventh Wonder, because to my ears they're by far the better band (at least for my taste)...and in fact, probably my favorite band at this point and his voice is a considerable part of it (along with the god-like musicianship, great lyrics, amazing melodies, etc, etc).

So, as long as he stays in SW, I'm thrilled and wish I hadn't already booked my flight for ProgPower....because I'm skipping the Wed/Thur Kamelot/Nightwish shows. Would have loved to hear him front Kamelot. Hopefully they'll come close to Raleigh on the tour...

I've *liked* Kamelot for a long time, but in a lot of ways, when Khan left, my interest dropped considerably. With Tommy Karevik on vocals, however, it's another story completely...much as I loved Khan's voice, Tommy's better, IMHO.

Congrats to Tommy...VERY well-deserved.

I'm definitely interested to see what direction Kamelot takes with him at the helm. I have not enjoyed the last two Kamelot albums, and if the writing/music is the same, then I doubt I'll care who is singing. They are no longer a blind buy for me, so it'll have to be something special to get me back in.

I love everything Seventh Wonder has put out. Mercy Falls is one of my desert island discs. I would hate to see something happen to that chemistry, and am relieved that he's staying in the band.
Well, Khan in Kamelot couldn't get me interested in their music. I doubt Tommy can do any better. No offense to either vocalist, but having a great singer could never get me into Kamelot's music.
He did a good job on the 2 Kamelot songs I heard on youtube. I guess I am weird because i never really could get into Seventh Wonder. Maybe ill revisit them to get more familiar with this guy. He reminds me a lot of Russel Allen when he used to not use his harsh voice. I was hoping the guy from Sons of Seasons would be the singer as he had ties to Saesha Pearth and the Keyboard player for Kamelot. Well i guess we will see what this brings.
Let me be the dissenting view (surprise), Tommy has a great voice, though I don't care for Seventh Wonder, he fits them well, but I'm not sure I hear the dark emotion in his voice that is what Kamelot has gone for over the last several discs. Their gothic aimed direction was really talored for Khan's dark emotion, which few can match. If they plan to go back to pre-Karma era sounds then I see it working fine (an era I didn't like as much as Karma, Black Halo), but if they plan to stay on the path of the last few discs I'm skeptical. But l'll wait to hear it to judge. Being a Khan fanboy I have trouble envising anyone else in that spot, but I think someone that can conve that darker aspect with the range of Khan could win me over ;-)
Anyone who thinks that Tommy will hang on to Seventh Wonder for long needs their head examined. Kamelot is on the verge of breaking through on the level of WT and Nightwish, and all focus will be on its performance in the next several months. Though SW is a decent band, I doubt they wish to remain a "hobby" band. That is the only way I can see Tommy actually staying with SW is if it remains a "hobby" band. If that is not the case, do not be surprised in a year from now that Tommy announces that SW is history.