Grammy Awards

Actually I'm not; you're misreading what I'm saying.

Metal fans, like any collection of people, are a diverse group...
  1. Some like only Metal
  2. Some like Metal and Jazz
  3. Some like Metal and Blues
  4. Some like Metal, Blues, Jazz and Classical
  5. And some clearly like both Metal and Pink
However, if you extol Pink's virtues on a Metal board, it's reasonable that groups 1 - 4 might bust your chops. Yet, groups 2 - 5 don't fit the "Metal only" stereotype.


I'm a fan of metal and musical theather. :)

I do admit to enjoying some Backstreet Boys, though. I have the first two albums. I do not enjoy these albums because they are life-changing, thought-provoking pieces of musical art, I just like them because they're catchy and fun.

I have no reason other than that for enjoying BSB. Do I get hell for it from time to time? Heck yes I do! Does it stop me from enjoying it? Not at all.

Basically, I agree with you - if you're posting on a metal forum, it makes sense that other metalheads might just give you a hard time if you're talking about something other than metal. And of course, there will always be those that accuse people of being the neanderthal type of metalhead. This is a pretty diverse forum, so there's always going to be some sort of contention.

I hope the above made sense, I'm still a bit off from being sick, and I'm feeling kind of disconnected at the moment. If any of the above seems wonky, I'll do my best to clarify in future replies.
Basically, I agree with you - if you're posting on a metal forum, it makes sense that other metalheads might just give you a hard time if you're talking about something other than metal. And of course, there will always be those that accuse people of being the neanderthal type of metalhead. This is a pretty diverse forum, so there's always going to be some sort of contention.

So then what are you saying exactly?

That there is a place for white gloves and coattails in metal????

So then what are you saying exactly?

That there is a place for white gloves and coattails in metal????


I don't see at all what this has to do with the portion of my post you quoted. I was agreeing with Zod. Which, unless I misread your posts, you agree with Zod on this, also.
It was good to see Zod speak up on Jasinic's behalf. And right on.
Personally I believe all things like American Idol, Awards shows, Hall of Frame and radio (now) should be an insullt to any music fan. Seems all of these institutions seem like they would be mockeries to the listener. Sadly this is not the case.
I have no issue with the "pop' music. I like the Lady Ga Ga, remains me of Annie Lennox oddly enough. And sporting a Cilture club t shirt at a metal festival should suggest I might like pop music. No it wasn't to be ironic I'm not indie enough for that. 'Color By Numbers' was the second album I ever bought, 'Thriller' being the first. But really it is actually all "pop" music metal included. This is why it is called "popular western music."
Ok this bores me now. I was going somewhere with this but now lost interest.
I saw Sade mention and well I love Sade and I think I will go pull that off the shelf now.
Grace Jones get out off my disc drive.
Well I believe Neil Young (who ironically finally won a Grammy last night) said it best years ago with this quote: "I'm not Grammy material," he said in a 1987 interview recounted in the authorized biography "Shakey." "I hate that s---. It has nothing to do with rock 'n' roll. It only has to do with Hollywood, and it's jive -- a buncha people handin' each other awards and talkin' about how they made the best record ... There is no best in music."
Well, so much for this thread NOT getting personal.... :rolleyes:


I NEVER stated that pop fans are all sheep.
Though, pop music, more than any genre, has the most number of fans who like those artists because that is what is force fed to them, either on TV or the radio, hence the term "sheep"

Sure, there are music fans more "in the know" of underground music like us who might enjoy pop music.

These awards don't cater to that kind of fan.
It caters to those who are more concerned with PINK's ass cheeks than anything else.


Well as a metal fan, musician and promoter I have no problem saying that I really like looking at Pinks ass and that performance which was awesome. I watched part of the grammys to see if anything good was going to happen and I saw some cool stuff. The difference is I know what I am getting when I watch the grammy's, and the joke that is big corporate pushed bands and performers. I just dont need to harp on it as I know where my heart is with the music I love...

This thread makes me embarrassed to be a "metal fan". I can't believe how certain (actually, a LOT) of people here hate on other genres. Just because some music is popular doesn't make it bad - just because there are big time money pushed into certain music styles doesn't make it bad. You guys (I'm sure you know who of you I'm addressing) need to get your head out of your ass and quit this hating on pop music.

Now, back to Glenn's original post:

- Mary J Blige and Andre Bocelli were awesome

- Beyonce is fantastic. There's noone on her level in pop music these days - she is just the whole package. Fantastic voice control. Beautiful girl. And she (and her songwriting partners) writes great tunes.

- Pink made an interesting performance. I still believe her voice is a big too harsh to sing ballads, but it worked pretty okay.

- the Michael Jackson tribute was cool. I was amazed at how much Usher actually channels MJ in his singing style.

- Black Eyed Peas were in my opinion horrible. They have some really good fun tunes, but Fergie always ends up "yelling" into the mic when they play live, which doesn't sound good. It's so strange though, because she can actually sing - anyone heard her version of Baracuda (the Heart tune)? She rocks on that one, but the couple of times I've seen them perform live on TV she sounds like someone obsessed with screaming as loud as possible instead of singing.

- Zak Brown Band ROCKS!

- Bon Jovi did an okay performance. Sure, they all sound older and more subdued than ten years ago, but it was definitely acceptable. When they played "Living On A Prayer" you could see how experienced they are, and how much crowd control they have.

This thread makes me embarrassed to be a "metal fan". I can't believe how certain (actually, a LOT) of people here hate on other genres. Just because some music is popular doesn't make it bad - just because there are big time money pushed into certain music styles doesn't make it bad. You guys (I'm sure you know who of you I'm addressing) need to get your head out of your ass and quit this hating on pop music.

You need to re-read my posts, as I know I am in the group of people you are addressing.

My problem is not so much with the music.

It's the fact that mainstream media's support of music in general has NOTHING to do with music, but more about "who ya know and who ya blow"

The foundation of heavy metal was built to be something outside of the norm, outside of the mainstream, to appeal to the youth who were looking for something more, something creative, something that spoke to them. Similar to punk rock.

The grammys celebrates music that is force fed to the masses.
The majority of the fans of the artists who won don't even purchase or listen to the full albums of these artists. They download whatever track is force fed to them on the radio. I think its disgusting when you hear things like, "Here's the new song from Taylor Swift!" when its a song that was on her CD released what, over a year ago already?

So when you say things like, "Embarrassed to be a metal fan" it carries VERY little weight with me. The grammys represent everything that heavy metal isn't. Maybe you want metal bands to be celebrated on a stage like the grammys. I certainly do not.

Don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying there is zero talent in pop music. I just personally think that Beyonce, Pink, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, etc, is "Entertainment" and not music.

Just writing cliche'd lyrics and dancing over sampled beats is a far cry from a true metal band who actually WRITES their own music and lyrics.

Call me a "horn throwin' HAIL AND KILL mother f*cker" if you want.

The bottom line is I think with metal being so far removed from the mainstream these days, they should remove the catagory from the grammys. It's an insult to the genre.
This thread makes me embarrassed to be a "metal fan".
I guess this is the part of the thread where some stand up and demonstrate how enlightened they are?

I can't believe how certain (actually, a LOT) of people here hate on other genres.
Are you under the impression all Jazz fans love Metal and all Classical fans love Rap? If anything, I'm often amazed at how many different styles can fly under the Metal banner and how wide-ranging the tastes of the Metal fan base is. I've long viewed Metal as a large melting pop, in which elements from any genre can thrive.

Just because some music is popular doesn't make it bad...
Nor does it make it good. Music like any other art form, should judged on its merits.

You guys (I'm sure you know who of you I'm addressing)...
I suspect we do.

...need to get your head out of your ass and quit this hating on pop music. / RANT OVER
So let me make sure I understand this... if I find nothing redeeming about a certain genre of music, a period of art, a style of film making, a form of sculpture, than I have my head up my ass? If I fail to see the genius that is Lady Gaga, than I'm close-minded?

I listen to everything from Miles Davis to the Gipsy Kings, from Stevie Ray Vaughn to Johnny Adams, from Duran Duran to Enigma, from Horace Silver to Pink Floyd, from Tori Amos to the Dave Matthews Band. However, I'm not allowed to dislike Pop music? I'm not allowed to point out the inverse relationship between musical talent and popularity? I shouldn't note the powerful correlation between physical beauty and record sales? I'm forbidden to speak to the absurd nature of an award show that really only considers a single genre when handing out the "Album of the Year" award? If I make any of these observations, and make them respectfully, in a discussion forum about music, than I have my head up my ass? Do you fail to see the ironic nature of your accusation?

I have often found that those who suggest that that are “enlighten” or talk down to someone for expressing a strong option unusually aren’t as enlightened, open-minded, and as cultured as they would like to think they are.
I also noticed that asking most people “what do you list to” and getting the reply “everything” typically says the person doesn’t have much interest besides music as background noise. So I no longer ask or typically even tell. However if someone simply answers I listen to metal or whatever then at least I know where we stand in conversation.
This thread makes me embarrassed to be a "metal fan". I can't believe how certain (actually, a LOT) of people here hate on other genres. Just because some music is popular doesn't make it bad - just because there are big time money pushed into certain music styles doesn't make it bad. You guys (I'm sure you know who of you I'm addressing) need to get your head out of your ass and quit this hating on pop music.

Only thing in this thread that continues (after years on this forum) to amaze me is how much time people spend writing about things they DON'T like, instead of spending time on what they DO. If a band I normally enjoy releases something I don't like, sure I'll post some negativity towards it..... But to spend the amount of time some do on posting hate comments towards entire genres that really should be completely irrelevant to them? REALLY?!? Maybe I just have too much going on in job / life..... :Smug:

On the other hand, I really don't like Chinese food. Never have. Love food in general, including things like Thai and Indian. Maybe I should find a forum about Italian food (which I love) and go there to bash on Chinese food. Makes just as much sense as this thread.....