Grammy Awards

Yet another reply that is missing ALL the points being made here.
Has nothing to do with the dislike of pop music.
It's how the mainstream bastardizes music as an art form, in favor of celebrity bullshit.

I have no clue why folks posting on a forum for a festival that promotes underground music would fail to see this.
On the other hand, I really don't like Chinese food. Never have. Love food in general, including things like Thai and Indian. Maybe I should find a forum about Italian food (which I love) and go there to bash on Chinese food. Makes just as much sense as this thread.....

We could never have a bromance, as I love Chinese, but dislike Indian, except for the Nan bread, as that owns big time! :headbang:
Seriously? We have people here that dig Lady Ga Ga and Beyonce? Do you hear yourselves or in this case, see what you're typing? Too funny! :lol: To the group that admits to liking this shit, please continue to convince me of these artist's musical genius. :lol:

While you're listening to Ga Ga, The Jonas Brothers, Beyonce, and the Black Eyed Peas, I'll be tuning into the Metal Madman's show tomorrow night. Geeze!

While you're listening to Ga Ga, The Jonas Brothers, Beyonce, and the Black Eyed Peas, I'll be tuning into the Metal Madman's show tomorrow night. Geeze!


Thanks for the support my friend! A great show on tap too!

CD showcase from the band DAWN OF SILENCE with their new album called "Wicked Saint Or Righteous Sinner "! Also brand new music from TREAT, RATT, CRAZY LIXX, AURAS, AXENSTAR, ROYAL HUNT, and more!
Clearly a few people here have not heard and seen Lady Gaga perform her ballads which she writes herself.
I heard the song she performed at the Grammys with Elton. My wife and I both thought she was awful.

If I am not mistaken, she composes most of her songs on the piano first.
I've now seen this pointed out several times in this thread. And each time I read it I think, how sad a commentary is it on a genre, that we award someone special points for writing their own music. I know that probably reads like sarcasm, but it's not intended as such. I've spent a lot of time on UM over the years and have never once heard someone say about a Metal band, "They write their own songs."

But still Lady Gaga is dismissed by some as talentless and not music at all?
Actually, I'm not sure anyone has called her talentless. I know I haven't.

I respect if you don't like her "pop" stuff - but if you don't know much about the artist, why even make a comment like that?
How much must I know about an artist before I comment? I've heard her sing... I dislike her voice. I've heard her songs... I think she writes bad songs. If she had spent every waking moment of her life studying at Juilliard, it wouldn't make her songs or her voice more appealing to me.

And this final observation isn't directed at you, as you only alluded to it, while others have been more direct. There seems to be this underlying idea some have, that it's OK to dislike a specific artist, but that you must concede that the artist in question has talent. Why must I concede this? Why must I accept the talent evaluation of another, as they dismiss mine? I think what's been lost in this discussion is, talent is largely subjective and its measure is often directly related to the listener.
  • Person A hears a song. They love the vocals. The lyrics speak to them. They conclude it took talent to create that song.
  • Person B hears the same song. They can't stand the vocals. They think the lyrics are trite. They can't relate to the song at all. They conclude the song demonstrates no talent.
Why must Person B be expected to accept Person A's assessment? Why is Person A's assessment somehow more valid? Because it's validated by the Grammys? Because its validated by record sales?

Is anyone with me when I say that, I wish Tobias Sammet did livin' on a prayer rather than Jovi himself? >_>......

Seriously? We have people here that dig Lady Ga Ga and Beyonce? Do you hear yourselves or in this case, see what you're typing? Too funny! :lol: To the group that admits to liking this shit, please continue to convince me of these artist's musical genius. :lol:

While you're listening to Ga Ga, The Jonas Brothers, Beyonce, and the Black Eyed Peas, I'll be tuning into the Metal Madman's show tomorrow night. Geeze!


Yeah, it's a shame that listening to one genre totally prevents me from listening to another.
I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that I'm not going to be a prick about what people listen to.
IMO Bat for Lashes put out the best "pop" album of the year.

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Yet another reply that is missing ALL the points being made here.
Has nothing to do with the dislike of pop music.
It's how the mainstream bastardizes music as an art form, in favor of celebrity bullshit.

I have no clue why folks posting on a forum for a festival that promotes underground music would fail to see this.

Most people in these forums seem to miss the point.
Seriously? We have people here that dig Lady Ga Ga and Beyonce? Do you hear yourselves or in this case, see what you're typing? Too funny! :lol: To the group that admits to liking this shit, please continue to convince me of these artist's musical genius. :lol:

You're clueless. Beyonce has so much talent that it's not even funny. She is blessed with a voice and musicality most singers in the world can only dream of.

One thing: If Beyonce or Lady Gaga were ugly or otherwise unattractive, would either of them have gotten a deal, much less sold any records? My guess: No. If this premise is true, then what sells them is not their talent, but their appeal to the masses that are obsessed with fashion and fantasy, rather than art.
Personally, I think they are both quite talented. Most musicians that reach the kind of heights that all of the artists at the Grammy's have reached must have some modicum of talent in order to be there in the first place. However, I am going to have to agree with Zod. It is a dog and pony show.
You're clueless. Beyonce has so much talent that it's not even funny. She is blessed with a voice and musicality most singers in the world can only dream of.


Agreed. Shakira is another one that has incredible talent.

Pink is a more pop friendly version of Ani diFranco, but I think she's excellent.

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One thing: If Beyonce or Lady Gaga were ugly or otherwise unattractive, would either of them have gotten a deal, much less sold any records? My guess: No. If this premise is true, then what sells them is not their talent, but their appeal to the masses that are obsessed with fashion and fantasy, rather than art.

Have you seen what Lady Gaga looks like?
Seriously? We have people here that dig Lady Ga Ga and Beyonce? Do you hear yourselves or in this case, see what you're typing? Too funny! :lol: To the group that admits to liking this shit, please continue to convince me of these artist's musical genius. :lol:

While you're listening to Ga Ga, The Jonas Brothers, Beyonce, and the Black Eyed Peas, I'll be tuning into the Metal Madman's show tomorrow night. Geeze!


Well convience me of the "artist's musical genius" for most of the bands talked about here in this forum? When you get down to the brass tacks none of it re-invents the wheel.
By chance ever listen to these bands talked about here? It is all rehashed crap. Not saying it is not enjoyable to listen to but seriously their is not much "genius" there. And since Zappa and Rozz Williams there is not many musicail genius left.
Wait to hear that Olivia and O'Neil are, which without Meatloaf and Andrew Loyd Webber these guys would not have much imput to offer. So really there is no divine inspired genius coming out of anyone.
In the defense of Lady GaGa it is much different than the rest of the pop chicks out there today, a little bizarre really not only in presentation. Can one honestly say that many if not most metal bands don't run together? Maybe that is the genius of heavy metal.
Have you seen what Lady Gaga looks like?
Yep. WHile I wouldnt say she is the hottest chick on the block, she isnt ugly. And her fashoin and outrageous form of dress and hairstyle is again the kind of thing that appeals to the people that have E! Entertainment Channel as their personal homepage. Her music will fade into yesterday, as all pop music does, because it is her image that sells her.
I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that I'm not going to be a prick about what people listen to.

You're clueless.


Sticks and stones kiddies...

Thanks for the support my friend! A great show on tap too!

CD showcase from the band DAWN OF SILENCE with their new album called "Wicked Saint Or Righteous Sinner "! Also brand new music from TREAT, RATT, CRAZY LIXX, AURAS, AXENSTAR, ROYAL HUNT, and more!

I'm nervous about hearing the new Ratt. I grew up with those guys, so I'm hoping they don't put out something stupid.

Somewhat tangential observation - when Zod (and I'm using him as an example out of convenience, not for any specific reason) says he doesn't like Pain of Salvation, it's attributed to taste and accepted fairly easily, even if others disagree. When he says he doesn't like Lady Gaga, he has to defend his views and some claim he's being closed-minded. You can change the poster and the bands involved, but the genre being discussed seems to cause a large shift in the tone of the response, whether or not the initial criticism warrants it...why?