Ok, the Lollapalooza sortie now makes a lot more sense when seen as the first element of a coordinated campaign to establish a beachhead on North American shores. I still think it's very odd for a band to *start* such a campaign almost 30 years into their career, but maybe they (or their management) know a lot more about the state of North American Japanese-culture obsession than I do.

It seems very ambitious. They said:

That sounds about right to me, but then they end up booking theaters here, with the Chicago venue holding 2500? Huh?

last.fm listeners from other bands playing the same venue:

Broken Social Scene: 910,438
The National: 669,547
Of Montreal: 721,872

X Japan: 120,162

Are they counting on their YouTube videos that "went viral" to translate into ticket sales? Every time I read a line about how big they are in Japan, I can't shake the feeling that it's a "journalist" simply repeating a band's own inflated PR. Maybe I should go just to satisfy my curiosity. I've already seen 2 crazy Japanese bands this year (Dir en grey and Boris), and I feel a sick desire to make it three.


Just announced X-Japan North American tour dates!!

osted on Monday, August 16, 2010 at 13:58:26 EST

They've sold 30-million records and DVDs, filled the 55,000-seat Tokyo Dome a record-breaking 18 times, they pioneered Visual-Kei, the Japanese music movement that helped spark the current world-wide Anime craze, and their leader has been referred to as "the Bono of Japan."

But the one thing this GUNS N' ROSES-meets-QUEEN-meets-The-Matrix rock group has wanted to do for years but has never done, is tour America. That's about to change, as on September 25th, X JAPAN will kick off a seven-city North American trek at the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles, with subsequent stops in Oakland, Seattle, Vancouver, Chicago, Toronto, and New York.

Tickets go on sale today (August 16th) and most can be purchased through Ticketmaster.com (go to Etix.com for the Chicago date) or at the venues' box office.

"We feel like a new band now, like we are going back to the beginning," said X Japan's leader/drummer/pianist/composer Yoshiki about the upcoming US concerts, "and it's very, very exciting. We are looking forward to playing smaller venues here in the US, something we haven't been able to do in Japan since the very early days."

In Asia, X Japan plays arenas and stadiums, bringing in elaborate production including lasers, catwalks, and holograms. Comparably, the North American dates will be "back to basics," with pyrotechnics and some production, but with the band focusing primarily on the music. As Yoshiki told one reporter, "You don't see good rock shows anymore. Rock doesn't have enough drama now, rap, R&B, and dance music have taken care of that. We want to be part of bringing the drama back to rock."

While this will be X Japan's first US tour, the band made its American concert debut on August 8th playing the Main Stage at Lollapalooza in Chicago in front of some 10,000 people. The Chicago Sun-Times called the band's set "a spectacular, almost operatic performance of big ballads and speed metal..." with new song 'Jade', "...a rumbling guitar attack that would make METALLICA take notice." Time Out Chicago's review thanked Lollapalooza co-founder Perry Farrell for booking "the coup of the festival," and pointed out Toshi's "Steve-Perry-eat-your-heart-out-vocals," while USA Today wrote, "The metal-pop-punk was fast and furious," and described Yoshiki's drumming as "Keith-Moon-on-Red-Bull."

Clustered down front-and-center were some 1,000 staunch X Japan fans who had flown in from all over the world to witness this historic first. While these fans were decked out in full X Japan glam-Anime regalia, most in the audience were unfamiliar with the band when they first took the stage. But by the end of the 50-minute set, X Japan had converted them. As the Chicago Sun-Times reviewer noted, "Even the mildly curious were won over by the infectious rock drama. Fists were pumping, guys were playing air guitar, people were making the X Japan sign by crossing forearms in the air."

The members of X Japan have been writing and recording what will be their first album to be released in North America and to contain English lyrics. According to Yoshiki, about half of the album will feature some of the band's most popular songs from throughout their career, with all lyrics re-recorded in English, and the other half all brand-new songs. The album's first single will be 'Jade', which was performed at Lollapalooza and will be on the North American dates' set list.

X Japan - Yoshiki (drums, piano), Toshi (vocals), Pata and Sugizo (guitars) and Heath (bass) - has its roots in the life-long friendship of Yoshiki and Toshi who met when they were four years old. While still in high school, they formed the band, known at the time simply as X, and over the next 13 years, X Japan released five studio albums as well as six live albums, 10 compilation albums and 15 video albums, and attained iconic status in Japan. With the late-90s breakdown of Yoshiki and Toshi's friendship, combined by the sudden death of then-guitarist Hide, the band called it quits. It wasn't until 2007 that Toshi and Yoshiki reunited, that X Japan was reformed, and that the band put America back in its sights.

"While we are confident about coming to America," Yoshiki added, "I don't know if we are going to end up being successful or not. But what I do know is that music breaks down barriers, and it doesn't matter what country the music comes from. Good music is universal."

Dates for X Japan's North American concert tour debut are:

25 - Wiltern Theatre - Los Angeles, CA
28 - Fox Theatre - Oakland, CA

1 - Paramount Theatre - Seattle, WA
3 - Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Vancouver, BC
6 - Riviera - Chicago, IL
7 - Massey Hall - Toronto, ON
10 - Roseland Ballroom - New York, NY
I wish I liked them because I live right across the street from the Riveria in Chicago. I think they will do well in Chicago....with people who saw them at Lollapalooza and word of mouth. I dont think it will sell out but I think it will do well. They need a strong opener though.
I wish I liked them because I live right across the street from the Riveria in Chicago. I think they will do well in Chicago....with people who saw them at Lollapalooza and word of mouth. I dont think it will sell out but I think it will do well. They need a strong opener though.

I'd agree with that completely. Some of the venues sound like they have ambitious capacities but we won't know how well they can fill it until that night. Maybe they don't want to have to worry about turning people away at any show so they are biting the bullet by booking larger venues that might not sell out completely. Of course none of us know for sure.
I've already seen 2 crazy Japanese bands this year (Dir en grey and Boris), and I feel a sick desire to make it three.


Watch out!! You might end up liking them!! :loco:

Wish I hadn't missed the Boris tour, and I wish Dir en grey came a lot closer than Chicago. Japanese rock bands are still a niche "market" (if you can call it that) in the U.S., so I guess until they become more accepted, gain more fans, or earn more recognition, I'll have to settle for traveling great distances to see any of the bands I'm remotely interested in these days.

I remember when I used to do that with power and prog metal because it wasn't "cool" yet, and the bands had a hard time putting together large tours outside of major cities because nobody knew them. Now look at what a little support and a great community have built for us! :D

Here's hoping....
Completely agree about Toshi's voice! Hearing his voice spread across the field in such crystal clarity was chilling and exciting! He certainly hasn't lost it after all these years!

I so wished I lived in Chicago still.. bah.

Nope. They've been here to do some press conferences, panels, and other appearances. Last week Toshi & Yoshiki were at Otakon and performed a few songs (acoustic I guess?) and there have been canceled shows throughout the years. This was definitely the first time they were all here to perform together. Earlier this year they did the Hollywood thing but if you've seen the videos, lipsyncing for a video shoot on a platform 2 stories above the crowd can hardly be considered a live performance. :lol:

Yea knew about the Hollywood thing, and a few canceled shows, but didn't know about Otakon. Wonder if there's any footage of it somewhere. I thought I read that on an X-Japan site sometime in the early-mid 90s, I/they could have been wrong, oh well. Awesome news about the US tour and new CD coming out soon!:) Thanks for the video post as well.
I so wished I lived in Chicago still.. bah.

Yea knew about the Hollywood thing, and a few canceled shows, but didn't know about Otakon. Wonder if there's any footage of it somewhere. I thought I read that on an X-Japan site sometime in the early-mid 90s, I/they could have been wrong, oh well. Awesome news about the US tour and new CD coming out soon!:) Thanks for the video post as well.

This guy has clips up: http://www.youtube.com/user/HeavyPositive

Apparently they only did 2 songs.

And this person has closer video but is kind of all over the place:

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Ditto--thank you for the clip, Jibrelle! I had no idea Sugizo played violin as well as guitar. "Endless Rain" sounds really earnestly sweet w/ violin~

Randomly, are you named after they "Jibrelle" from Angel Sanctuary? One of my favorite mangas of all time~ :D
Kureno, will you be at ProgPower this year? If so, we'll have to compare notes on all things X JAPAN and otherwise Jrock related. :p Same goes for you Dominick!

Yes, I will be there! And yes, we definitely must talk jrock! XD Though to be honest, I haven't been keeping up these past few years--but I'd love to hear your recs! :D
Kureno, will you be at ProgPower this year? If so, we'll have to compare notes on all things X JAPAN and otherwise Jrock related. :p Same goes for you Dominick!

That would be great, but it will likely have to happen next time, as I can't go this year unfortunately:( I'm excited for you and everyone else who are able to go, sad too and a little jealous:), as it's really the best fest out there, something you really look forward to through the year. Other than seeing X-Japan live finally, the other place I love being at is Progpower.
Yes, I will be there! And yes, we definitely must talk jrock! XD Though to be honest, I haven't been keeping up these past few years--but I'd love to hear your recs! :D

Awesome, I can't wait! I have so few friends that are in both the Jrock and the power/prog/anything remotely Western-oriented and metal worlds. If that made sense. So it'll be real nice to chat about a wider spectrum of artists. I'll bring a list of recos! :D Check the poster thread for my picture and say hi when you see me :) I'm arriving on Tuesday night.

That would be great, but it will likely have to happen next time, as I can't go this year unfortunately:( I'm excited for you and everyone else who are able to go, sad too and a little jealous:), as it's really the best fest out there, something you really look forward to through the year. Other than seeing X-Japan live finally, the other place I love being at is Progpower.

Aw man, I was looking forward to finally meeting you! Maybe next year?
Awesome, I can't wait! I have so few friends that are in both the Jrock and the power/prog/anything remotely Western-oriented and metal worlds. If that made sense. So it'll be real nice to chat about a wider spectrum of artists. I'll bring a list of recos! :D Check the poster thread for my picture and say hi when you see me :) I'm arriving on Tuesday night.

I totally will! I'll popping into the ProgPower area starting Friday and will be the fluffy Asian girl probably wearing a Nightwish shirt. Do you like any visual kei bands? (or lighter j-rock/j-pop bands?) At the moment, I'm madly into Kalafina--nothing like apocalyptic female chorale pieces! :D
I totally will! I'll popping into the ProgPower area starting Friday and will be the fluffy Asian girl probably wearing a Nightwish shirt. Do you like any visual kei bands? (or lighter j-rock/j-pop bands?) At the moment, I'm madly into Kalafina--nothing like apocalyptic female chorale pieces! :D

You just might be my new best friend. Ask anyone around here, they know I'm into visual kei and all things Japanese rock (even a little Korean in there too ;-)). I've heard a few Kalafina songs. I don't know much about them but I hear a lot about them from friends. As for other lighter stuff, my #1 favorite on the planet is T.M.Revolution. Otherwise, I'm also completely enamored with BUCK-TICK and Versailles, to name a few. Check out my last.fm charts to get an idea of what else I like. *points to her signature*

My husband likes to stand on the front rail during ProgPower so I'll likely be roaming around aimlessly most of the weekend. I'm excited to meet you though! What bands are you looking forward to seeing the most? I'm really excited for Tyr, Stormwarrior, and Hammerfall!
You just might be my new best friend. Ask anyone around here, they know I'm into visual kei and all things Japanese rock (even a little Korean in there too ;-)). I've heard a few Kalafina songs. I don't know much about them but I hear a lot about them from friends. As for other lighter stuff, my #1 favorite on the planet is T.M.Revolution. Otherwise, I'm also completely enamored with BUCK-TICK and Versailles, to name a few. Check out my last.fm charts to get an idea of what else I like. *points to her signature*

My husband likes to stand on the front rail during ProgPower so I'll likely be roaming around aimlessly most of the weekend. I'm excited to meet you though! What bands are you looking forward to seeing the most? I'm really excited for Tyr, Stormwarrior, and Hammerfall!

OMG, I love TMR too!!! *__* He has such an unexpectedly powerful voice (coming out of such a petite, beautiful frame~ LoL!). Especially his work with Abingdon Boys School--gawds, "Via Dolorosa" is SO powerful. And their cover of BUCK-TICK's "Dress"--wowie. That one moment where the music stops and it's just TMR's voice... *__* Mad respect~~

I like Versailles too!!! They're so beautiful--I especially really loved Teru's first outfit (looks like Zidane from FFIV ^^) and everything Hizaki wears~~~ I actually first heard about them by following Kamijo over from Lareine. They truly have the world's greatest cover of "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru." ^^ (Big "Rose of Versailles" fan)

As for Kalafina, they have 2 albums out, and I think they're better known for their softer, "mysterious"-sounding tracks like "Fairytale." But since you like prog/symph metal, you should try out "Red Moon" off their new album. Since they're a chorus, it's not quite as heavy and epic as some of the stuff you find around here, but it's quite beautiful and so horribly (wonderfully?) tragic~~~ You can here it in HQ on my box account here! Ah, and speaking of tragedy, you've heard their ode to angst "Lacrimosa," right? Lol, it's like the infernal choirs sing the ultimate song of lament... lol! XD

As for PPUSA bands, the main reason I wanted to come was for Delain (because they've never come to the US before and may not again for a while), but I LOVE Kamelot as well and had always been interested in Tarot because of Marco (am a huge Nightwish fan--they're the ones that attracted me to symphonic metal to begin with). I still haven't gotten fully around the prog metal scene, so I'm not familiar with most of the other bands, but I'm looking forward to experiencing their power/finding more bands to love at PPUSA! :D
Awesome, I can't wait! I have so few friends that are in both the Jrock and the power/prog/anything remotely Western-oriented and metal worlds. If that made sense. So it'll be real nice to chat about a wider spectrum of artists. I'll bring a list of recos! :D Check the poster thread for my picture and say hi when you see me :) I'm arriving on Tuesday night.

Aw man, I was looking forward to finally meeting you! Maybe next year?

I know right? It would have been cool to meet you too, as I also don't have too many friends who are into both Jrock and Prog/Power metal either. I would have gone mainly for Delain as well. Can't imagine them coming back for a while if at all, unless the exposure at Progpower did for them what it seemed to do for Nightwish when they came. So yea hopefully year Tammy. Btw I know most of the bands you two mentioned and they're great. I'll have to check out the other ones. Thanks:)
OMG, I love TMR too!!! *__* He has such an unexpectedly powerful voice (coming out of such a petite, beautiful frame~ LoL!). Especially his work with Abingdon Boys School--gawds, "Via Dolorosa" is SO powerful. And their cover of BUCK-TICK's "Dress"--wowie. That one moment where the music stops and it's just TMR's voice... *__* Mad respect~~
You know T.M.R.?? *_* Girl, we're about to be BFFs :lol: I'm a huge BUCK-TICK fan too, so it does get much better than when abs covered Dress. Seriously, what a delicious and wonderful song AND cover! I've been a TMR fan for about 10 years now. Everything that man does is gold. Have you heard the new singles "Naked arms" and "SWORD SUMMIT"? On the way here to ATL I was secretly wishing I was on the way to Japan for INAZUMA Rock Fest to see TMR, abs, Tetsu, Breakerz, and just to be there in Takanori's hometown by that beautiful Lake Biwa. <3_<3 Ah, that would be nice...

I like Versailles too!!! They're so beautiful--I especially really loved Teru's first outfit (looks like Zidane from FFIV ^^) and everything Hizaki wears~~~ I actually first heard about them by following Kamijo over from Lareine. They truly have the world's greatest cover of "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru." ^^ (Big "Rose of Versailles" fan)
Yes, HIZAKI is amazing. He's my favorite in that band by far. Huge talent, gorgeous costumes, a little bit of a bitch - I love it :p I'm so happy Teru has switched looks because I really don't like his style in HIZAKI grace project. Lareine is so great! I remember them from before but never really listened much until after I started following Versailles. Ironic. I'd love to see Versailles at ProgPower but I think the visual kei would sit well with many of the attendees. I don't want to hear them mock one of my favorite bands :ill: (more than they already do!) Maybe Galneryus with their new singer would go over great at PP!

As for Kalafina, they have 2 albums out, and I think they're better known for their softer, "mysterious"-sounding tracks like "Fairytale." But since you like prog/symph metal, you should try out "Red Moon" off their new album. Since they're a chorus, it's not quite as heavy and epic as some of the stuff you find around here, but it's quite beautiful and so horribly (wonderfully?) tragic~~~ You can here it in HQ on my box account here! Ah, and speaking of tragedy, you've heard their ode to angst "Lacrimosa," right? Lol, it's like the infernal choirs sing the ultimate song of lament... lol! XD
Man now you've got me really wanting to listen to more of this group! A lot of my TMR friends are big Kalafina fans, and now with your recommendation, I should just really sit down and listen to all of their material. I'm sure I'll like it. Maybe... I don't like everything that is "just like" TMR. :lol:

I still haven't gotten fully around the prog metal scene, so I'm not familiar with most of the other bands, but I'm looking forward to experiencing their power/finding more bands to love at PPUSA! :D
That always happens to me at ProgPower. I try to listen to the bands throughout the year before the show, but it never fails that I end up liking some more/less after their set at PP. Pain of Salvation for one. I kinda liked them but when I saw them at PPV I was blown away. I was beside myself for the band for the next 3 years. LOL!

Anyway, I bought a variety of shirts that will help you recognize me. I have two X JAPAN, a T.M.R., and a Versailles with me, but I also have a few others. Find me on FB to see some of my pics: Tammy Zepp Block

BTW, where are you coming from?

See you soon!!