Anyone else from the board here in Chi-Town for the X JAPAN show tomorrow? Nathan is with me and we've been hanging out around the park and surrounding area all day today just wait for tomorrow.

We're (read: I'm) real excited for the set but it would be made even better if we found some PP family there too! Not sure if anyone else ever decided to come, but if anyone is out there, look for us (read: me) up front! Also follow me on twitter @ZillowZollo (send a direct message and we can exchange #'s to help locate eachother)

X JAPAN is getting quite a bit of press here for this event. They have really high billing on everything from the event posters and t-shirts, to the program guides, etc.. Higher than I thought they would. It's nice to see that the festival recognizes their history and didn't just add them as a "bottom tier band."

And for the doubters (read: me), they ARE here! http://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/20536637381 Whew, that was a close one!

Hope to see some of you!

EDIT: Here's a great article about the band's appearance, written for the Chicago Timeout.
Pollstar has them doing two headline shows next week in Japan, which doesn't bode well for a US minitour.

Wish I was in Chicago today....
X JAPAN were completely spectacular! The set started late and ended early so they really only got out about 45 minutes, but it was high-energy and precise. Toshi's vocals echoing across Grant Park were splendid and it all seemed so surreal! I met so many fans and everyone was real eager and full of energy. I'm so happy everything went smoothly and they received a great reaction from the audience, many people shouting "We Are X" and then saying "that was so cool, I had never even heard of these guys before!" Well done, X JAPAN!

JrockRevolution.com put together an "Xperience Fan Package" which included an X JAPAN shirt, wristband, postcard, spirit/thundersticks, and a JRR tote bag. That really made a big difference and allowed us fans to show even more appreciation for the band. Once I got to the stage, I saw that everyone had paper hearts on sticks with "X JAPAN" and some other writing on them. I asked where they got them and someone handed me one saying a fan group had them made to pass out. The rest of the text was along the lines of "For Yoshiki - we love you and congratulate you on your U.S. debut" - that paper fan saved the fan because the heat and sun were brutal.

No other shows were announced. Now off to catch Soundgarden!
I saw Rage at Lolla in like 92 or 93.
I think they were the same year as Tool, Alice in Chains, Primus, Dinosaur Jr, etc.

The best Lolla performance ever was Ministry (The year Red Hot Chili Peppers headlined). While I am not the biggest fan, Soundgarden were pretty good that year. People were going nuts for them.

I went to that show when it was at Pine Knob. That was a great show. Ministry just ruled. I was disappointed with Soundgarden at that show...they just didn't have that heavy sound like on album.
I would suggest against Kumas Corner. it is highly overrated for an average burger joint (and expensive). I live a mile away from there and have been there twice! Also the wait can be more than 2 hours. Chicago has a vast amount of restaurants that are far superior. Where are you staying? I could give you some good recommendations.
Chicago has a vast amount of restaurants that are far superior. Where are you staying? I could give you some good recommendations.

Thanks for that. I'm at the Sheraton in Rosemont but will pick up a Mustang today for a drive down Route 66 so anywhere should be reasonably accessible.

I'm with a group and yesterday we went to Al's Beef, the others went to Tommy Guns for the night but erm X-Japan/Lollapalooza was on so I told them I'd see them in the morning.

The best Lolla performance ever was Ministry (The year Red Hot Chili Peppers headlined). .
That was by far and a way the best performence ever at a Lolla

And yes agreed,that was the day I also became a soundgarden fan,I was kinda so not into the grunge thing,but their live performance made me a fan...
Pretty funny review in the Chicago Tribune:
Everything about Japan X [sic!] (above), making its stateside debut in front of a smallish audience split between die-hards (those people holding aloft stuffed dolls in the bands' likeness and crossing their arms above their heads while chanting, “X, X, X, X!”) and curiosity seekers, is cartoonishly over-the-top. The long-running Japanese crew makes a comically slow entrance to the stage as epic choral music pumps through the speakers. “Are you ready to rock?” screams singer Toshi Deyama, his voice absent any trace of irony. “We are!” Dressed like glammed-out extras from “The Warriors,” the group combines piano-driven power ballads (the band's glass-and-stainless-steel piano, which takes center stage on “Endless Rain,” looks like something Axl Rose might have sprung for at the height of Guns N' Roses' consumption) and thrashier, guitar heavy numbers like “Jade,” which more often than not are accompanied by towers of flame blasting up from the stage. With a style that combines the theatricality of a Broadway production with cheesy-yet-earnest prog/hair metal, it often sounds as though the Sunset Strip of 1987 has been temporarily airlifted to the band's hometown of Chiba, Japan. (AD)

I'm still curious what the story behind this show was. Are they managed by C3 Presents? Did these rabid fanclubs somehow pay their way over here? Lollapalooza is just a very strange way for a band like this to make a US debut, so there has to be some underlying explanation.

Any Metal happenings/places to visit in Chicago tomorrow night?

Summer Slaughter at the House of Blues. Starts at 3! :loco:

And, if you've got the time, just go to Kuma's. Especially since the wait probably won't be too bad on a Monday. Even though I've never been there yet, if it's "an average burger joint", hundreds of people sure have pulled the wool over my eyes. Surely there are superior restaurants in Chicago, but I doubt that you can find a more unique (and metal-related) one.

And, if you've got the time, just go to Kuma's. Especially since the wait probably won't be too bad on a Monday. Even though I've never been there yet, if it's "an average burger joint", hundreds of people sure have pulled the wool over my eyes. Surely there are superior restaurants in Chicago, but I doubt that you can find a more unique (and metal-related) one.


This. Wait can be pretty long but then again I've never gone on a weekday. I did like the burger I had when I went though.
Edit: I see doors open 1.30pm, what time would this go till?

I'd guess that they arrange the start time based on how long it takes for the 10 bands to play before they have to close, so it'll probably go 'til 9-10pm.

As you probably figured out by now, the "Event has expired" doesn't mean that it's sold out, only that tickets are no longer available online. I've never been to one of these Summer Slaughter things, but I'd be surprised if it was actually sold out (who would put themselves through a show like that? :loco:). But you could probably call the box office to confirm.

I've never been to one of these Summer Slaughter things, but I'd be surprised if it was actually sold out

So it's just like in Australia, lol.

who would put themselves through a show like that?

Yeah, the festival thing always gets a bit much for me, but hey, I'm in town for the night so may as well go check it out. Will prolly get there later, if at all.

Pretty funny review in the Chicago Tribune:

I'm still curious what the story behind this show was. Are they managed by C3 Presents? Did these rabid fanclubs somehow pay their way over here? Lollapalooza is just a very strange way for a band like this to make a US debut, so there has to be some underlying explanation.

Too bad about that review. I loved the hell out of the performance so I guess that means I like 1987 Sunset Strip glam/thrash metal then...? There were a few flaws, like the slow entrance and the momentum-killing lul between songs, but surely that reviewer could have found something nice to say. Eh... maybe he did in the rest of the review. Thanks for posting the buzz-kill :rolleyes:

D'espairsRay is playing in Chicago tonight at the Bottom Lounge. Wish I could have stayed another night to see them since they canceled their local show. What a weekend that would have been!
Forgot to add: I'm not real sure on the in's-n-out's of how the Lolla set got arranged. The fans did not pay for it, I know that. If I get to the bottom of it, I'll post.

I think it was a smart move, really. They had plenty of room for everyone who wanted to see them without having to worry about selling enough for a large venue, they were exposed to thousands of new people, and got press alongside some the biggest names in music. I'd say it's the perfect place to make a U.S. debut.