Recent content by Bobby Williamson

  1. Bobby Williamson

    Congrats to Eumeria

    Thanks everyone....the Progressive Nation cruise was great! Portnoy's wife was there to watch our show, which was a plus! We recorded all audio and video from several cameras to put together a DVD at some point. Now that we have 2 shows under our belt, we are looking to do another soon - but...
  2. Bobby Williamson

    PP USA XV: Disperse Out/Thought Chamber in

    What an excellent choice. I hope they play many songs from the debut album, so I can hear Bill Jenkins play my solos! Haha this will be a FIRST for me!
  3. Bobby Williamson

    DELAIN ProgPower USA

    I love's some of the best written music I've ever heard. I'm not too keen on the first album, but all I can say is that their new one "April Rain" is one of my favorite all time albums. The vocals are super crisp, clean, full of personality and well produced...and the...
  4. Bobby Williamson

    Visa approvals

    I know the VISA process well, and to hear that you got 9 approved without any headache is quite the accomplishment!
  5. Bobby Williamson

    New Schedule

    Works for me!
  6. Bobby Williamson

    ProgPower USA KICK-OFF Headliner announced!!!!!!

    Sounds good Shane! Can't wait! BALLZ TO THE WALL MAAANNN !
  7. Bobby Williamson

    Showcase announcement. 1st 3 bands!!!!

    Great lineup! Can't wait to hear about the headliner !
  8. Bobby Williamson

    Old Stride interview in Lone Star Metal ezine

    Man I miss that band!
  9. Bobby Williamson

    Triton Power Cruise Fest with Evergrey, Eumeria, Circle 2 Circle and more..

    That's true dude! I might blow a gasket ahahah!
  10. Bobby Williamson

    Triton Power Cruise Fest with Evergrey, Eumeria, Circle 2 Circle and more..

    John I'll rock twice as hard to make up for you not being there bro! See you somewhere soon though !
  11. Bobby Williamson


    That's gonna be quite an opening party! Great singers in Cage and Wicked Waltz. I haven't heard Seven there singer good?
  12. Bobby Williamson

    Shadow Gallery Announces First Performance Ever

    Fred, you know me, I've been to every single PP USA and have never complained of a price. Well I take that back, I always bitch about the Granada price LOL !!!! But not the price to see good music man!
  13. Bobby Williamson

    SHADOW GALLERY Announces First-Ever Live Performance

    Can't wait! Are you going to go on this cruise, Deron? Prog Metallers UNITE~!
  14. Bobby Williamson

    Shadow Gallery Announces First Performance Ever

    The price is too high for those who were going on a cruise to listen to Reggae and cover bands........but not to listen to the first ever show from Shadow Gallery, and listen to kick ass bands like Pagan's Mind, Evergrey, etc AND get a cruise vacation out of it! It might seem expensive in a...
  15. Bobby Williamson


    This is so cool! ! ! With the news of Shadow Gallery's first show, I feel like this is the most important step that takes true Progressive Metal forward to a new height of awareness! I'm in a super festive mood, let's party! :D